Leaving the headquarters and heading straight for the mountain, we’re on the dirt path in no time. “Not going to try again. If she isn’t interested, then I’m not going to keep going. I’m perfectly happy being single.”

Brutus looks at me skeptically and he’s got reason to. My lie is as clear as day.

I’m not happy at all. Like many people, I want a family and a wife to come home to. I pictured a dog or two in the distant future, but a cat is already taking over that vision. One with a missing eye who looks like he’s been through enough in his short life.

Rue adores the small animal, saying how ginger cats are her favorite. It gives me a little hope that I can fit into that category as well.

“Being single is nothing compared to being married. Let me tell you, Lori is the best.” Thankfully, Brutus decides to change the direction of the conversation, using the topic to talk about his own mail-order bride.

Honestly, I don’t want to tell anyone about Rue. I’ve never been the possessive type, but I want to keep the woman’s existence all to myself. There are a lot of good-looking guys on this mountain, she’ll eventually get to meet the other members of the team. I don’t want any of them trying to stick their name in the ring.

We’re climbing the mountain for all of ten minutes before we have to pull to the side and walk to our destination.

The call’s for a couple, one who unfortunately is trapped in a pretty bad spot. Thanks to their anchor positions being poorly placed, they’ve been stuck for a while.

Brutus has first-aid down and I’m the lucky bastard to help them back up. The best thing I can offer them is some breakfast bars. Funny enough, they look more thankful for my offering than his.

“Nothing’s broken, so I’d consider you both very lucky. The bruises are going to hurt, and you’ll be sore, but at least you two aren’t dead.” Brutus chats them both up with ease while I clean up my rope.

We get amateurs all the time out here, at least this job didn’t end up with anyone hurt. Though, if everyone knew what they were doing, I wouldn’t have a job.

Once we get them back to the truck, I take them back down the mountain and drop them off at the clinic so they can make sure everything is alright. Once they’re out of my hands, I’m back to checking the time.

“Is she going to have dinner for you?”

I grunt, shrugging my shoulders.

“Lori is the worst cook. Knowing how excited she gets when I throw something together, it makes it worth seeing her face light up every time.” Brutus lets out a long sigh. “When you’ve got someone waiting for you, the job starts to become a drag. She can barely get enough signal to call me during my break.”

“Didn’t she swing by to drop off your lunch three times last week?”

He swats his hand, clicking his tongue. “Not the point.”

I’m jealous of him. I can’t imagine myself being obsessed with someone to the point of wanting to see them all of the time.

With Rue, there might be a possibility.

By the time we return, I’ve heard enough about Lori that I might as well be married to her as well. I’d still take it over talking about myself.

I’ve got to admit, I find myself already dreading working the rest of my shift. I want to go home.

Not because I’m worried about making sure the woman is keeping her hands to herself, but I’m hoping she’s still there.

* * *

The sight of her car parked in the same spot as yesterday fills me with much satisfaction.

Sheisstill here.

The sun is already creeping toward the horizon by the time I’m leaving my truck. Walking up the few steps brings a pang of pain. Body aches come with the job, so my hobble is all too natural.

Once I open the front door, I am welcomed home by a wonderful smell. There’s music playing from somewhere, nothing I recognize.

Silently closing the door, I follow the sound until I reach the source.

Rue is hunched over the stove, stirring something in a pot, bobbing her head to the music coming from her phone. Must be something offline from that clear quality.

Leaning against the doorway, I can’t help but watch her move. She’s got her hair tied up, and loose clothes on.