Instead, I used my day doing paperwork and taking calls. They could have gone a day without me, I swear.

She hums in response, her cheeks growing rosy. I can’t tell if she’s embarrassed by what she’s got to say or feeling too shy to admit the cold hard truth.

I wish I knew what thoughts were spiraling through her head.

“Gonna help set up for dinner,” I mumble as I pull away from her warmth. I’m not going to assume the worst, not when she smiles back at me.

I don’t deserve such a sweet woman.

“Hope this meal is much better than last night,” she continues like she hasn’t shaken me around. “We’ve seriously got to get more seasoning here. Salt and pepper can only get me so far.”

Rue’s pulling out some chicken from the oven, continuously moving around. She’s humming to herself, grabbing a bowl with some kind of sauce she threw together.

Here I am struggling not to break a plate. No other person has ever frazzled me so much before. I can’t even remember how to use my hands correctly.

Watching her stir the sauce, I take a moment toreallylook at her.

She’s got those golden locks tied to the side, wearing a loose shirt with some logo on it I don’t recognize. Then there are those mouthwatering bare legs of hers, covered by a pair of shorts.

It’s not her appearance that turns me on, it’s how comfortable and fitting she looks. She’s a natural. She’s everything I’ve ever wanted. If I’m ever going to have a family, she has to be the mother. No one else matters. It’s her or I’m going to be lonely for the rest of my life.

“Marry me.” The words slip out before my brain can catch up.

Her stirring comes to a halt and those blue orbs lift up. That smile of hers lessens, “I’m sorry?”

I’ve already spoken the words, there’s no going back. I can’t brush this off either, not when I’ve got her full attention.

“I don’t want to wait a whole week to tell you what I know now. Rue, I want you as my wife.” Ears burning, I huff out the words in frustration. I’m more upset at myself for waiting so long. “I wantthis.”

The bowl in her hand slips from her hands and hits the floor. Thankfully, it’s made of plastic. Soon, she’s cursing at her slip-up, moving to save what she can. Her hands are shaking and her face is growing more and more flushed.

“This is why I wanted to talkafterdinner,” she mutters out. She’s smiling again, bigger than before. Once the bowl is safely on the counter, she cradles a towel in her hands. “You’re serious? Because I’m down, Bryson. I’ll marry you so fast that you won’t have enough time to take back your offer. You’re going to tell me how to survive up here. Tell me everything.”

She’s speaking fast, words flowing out of her mouth a mile a minute.

“Never going to take it back,” I promise. Stepping toward her, I take the towel from her hands and toss it to the side. We can clean up later. I want, no,needher now.

She lets out a gasp when I pick her up. Easily cradling her in my arms, my steps are quick as we both abandon the kitchen. Our bed has her name written all over it.

“What about dinner?” she asks, biting down on her lip like she doesn’t know I have a delicious meal right here in my arms.

“Later,” I groan out as I push the door to the bedroom open. She is grinning by the time I drop her onto the bed. Bouncing slightly, I can’t even offer an apology for being rough.

Yanking my shirt over my head, she makes this choking sound, eyeing me carefully. Apparently, we both love what we see. Her eyes are trailing further and further down my stomach. Maybe she didn’t get a good enough view when she massaged my sore back.

“You look like you can be a ginger Bigfoot.” From the way she says it, it sounds like a compliment.

Parting her legs, she clinches the blankets and gives them a tug.

Taking her for the first time had haunted my dreams the night before. I pictured myself treating her with respect and being gentle. In reality, I’m grabbing her ankle and pulling her back toward the edge of the bed.

“Oh my god,” she giggles out as her own hands fumble with the drawstring of her shorts. Both stumbling and messy, I don’t touch her when she pushes her shorts down her legs. No, I want to see everything she has to offer before I move.

Rue has a curvy frame, all revealed at once when she peels her shirt off. So plump and squishy that she looks like her body would feel nicely against the palm of my hands. Even tempted now, I curl my fingers at my sides. Once her shirt is tossed to the side, I can’t take it anymore.

Flattening her against the mattress, a delicious moan escapes her lips when I put on a little extra weight. Yeah, she definitely wants to be taken out.

So shameless when I kiss her, I don’t even try to hide the hardness growing firmer and firmer between my legs.