“If they can find evidence in that fire and if they decide to press charges, one of us will take the fall. But that’s a big if. And no one is admitting guilt. Jackson’s done time before, and so has Vanier. Your dad too. One of us will sacrifice for the greater good.”
Avery reached up and cupped Sonny’s face. He was covered in blood spatter and cuts. “Let’s hope it won’t come to that. Thank you for coming after me, for getting Galen.”
“I should be thanking you. Pulling that knife on him was a smart move. I’m so proud of my woman,” Sonny gave her his rare smile and leaned over to take her lips.
The heat that always simmered between them burned higher as he claimed her mouth. The spike of adrenaline and their intense chemistry was a powerful combination.
Avery needed to be alone with Sonny. Now.
“Your place,” she whispered against his lips.
“Not yet, unfortunately. We need to recap with the others first,” Sonny replied and gave her one last kiss. “But after.”
Avery reluctantly pulled back and exited the car.
Sonny got out and rounded the hood, taking Avery’s hand as they walked into the clubhouse. Members congregated in the kitchen, talking away. Some already wearing gauze wrappings on their arms and legs, others with cuts and bruises, most likely from broken beer bottles and punches. But all of them were accounted for and Avery gave a huge sigh of relief.
Gage spotted her and walked over, giving her a bear hug and slapping Sonny on the back.
“Okay people, settle down.” Gage turned and clapped his hands. “We had a good night, the plan worked, and it looks like the Death Riders are no more. The founding brothers are both gone and most of the members are dead.”
Cheers, whoops, and hollers rang out.
Gage shook his head. “But that doesn’t mean we can rest easy. The rest of their members are on the run. Cops and the media will be all over this story. Everyone is to lay low for a while. Wyatt is being released from the hospital and will be coming home tomorrow. The cops had questions for him, and now our lawyer is involved. Same goes for tonight. We stay strong, we say nothing.”
“What about the DR’s warehouse in Canmore?” Jackson asked.
“We’re gonna leave it for a while in case the cops are watching. That means we go back to our legal businesses and hold onto our underground shipments until things cool off,” Gage replied.
Dante stood up. “I heard a rumor that Midnight Carnage MC from Burnaby is looking to start a chapter here in Alberta. Do you think they’ll see the news of the Death Riders as an opportunity to move in?”
“I’ve got ears that say the same thing. Again, they’re not gonna make any moves if the cops are sniffing around,” Gage murmured and ran a hand through his beard. “We’ll see how the next few weeks play out. I’ve also got a contact at the crown’s office, so we’ll be the first to know if charges are going to be laid. If it goes nowhere, we move in and raid the DR’s storage. And make it clear to Midnight Carnage that we’re not to be fucked with.”
Avery was glad that the Death Riders were all but gone, but she knew that turbulent times were far from behind them. There was always another club ready to fight for dominance.
And new battles yet to begin.
Right now, all she wanted to do was get back to her routine of looking after the books, maybe work at the bar a night or two, and most of all, spend time with Sonny.
“Any other questions?” Gage asked as he looked around.
“I’ve got one.” Sonny stood up. “Is Avery a full-fledged member now?”
Avery’s face flamed as all eyes in the room turned to her.
“Hell, yes!” Gage yelled out. “We need to get a cut made for her. You good with that, Avery?”
Avery stood up beside Sonny and looked at her dad. She was always a part of the club but now she felt like a true member, an equal. Gage’s comment was everything. She couldn’t be happier. And the man standing beside her had a lot to do with it.
“And one more question,” Sonny murmured as he looked around. “Why the fuck are we sitting around the kitchen? Open the barn and get out the good booze. We got a lot to celebrate!”
Cheers and claps rang out around Avery. She didn’t feel like partying, but Sonny was right. Members needed a release. Everyone piled out of the house, injuries and all, and headed over to the barn.
Sonny looked at her as they sauntered through the field. “We don’t have to stay long, but I think it’s only right that we celebrate your success tonight. You are one fucking amazing woman.”
“I just did what needed to be done.”
Avery blushed again and suddenly she was hauled into Sonny’s arms, bridal style.