Page 7 of No Chance in Hell

“You want to remain a part of this club, Avery, you learn to deal with this sort of shit on your own. You can’t expect Sonny or Jackson or anyone else to come riding to your fucking rescue. You know better than that.”

“I had it under control, but I thought back up would help get rid of them faster. My mistake. I won’t bother Sonny again.”

Sonny scoffed. “Really? You’re up in my face every fucking day about the goddamn bar.”

“Someone else should manage it.” Avery turned to her father. “Sonny’s never there and when he is, he isn’t running it.”

“You two work it out. I’m not talking about it again, Avery.” Gage pointed a finger at her. “You do what needs to be done on the books and stop arguing with Sonny. He’s got a lot of other shit to deal with.”

Sonny’s eyes locked on Avery’s flushed face. She took a deep breath, like she was about to say something else but instead she bit down on her full lower lip.

Gage turned his attention to Sonny.

“Back to last night, what do you think, Sonny? Were these bitches really that dumb? Makes me wonder if they deliberately set their women in there to start up something.”

Sonny paused and considered the question before he spoke. Something about last night nagged at him and maybe this was it. He’d had time, when he was busy giving Ray a viking funeral, to consider what had happened at the bar.

“I recognized Kingston’s ol’ lady. She was running out as I was heading in. She’s been around a few years, like she don’t know not to walk into our bar?” Sonny shook his head and leaned forward. “Last night was weird. Fifty grand worth of our gun inventory gone and the thief I caught was about to do it again. Looks like another club put him up to it, gave him a cash deposit. All he had was a text message thread. And a blurry pic on his phone but the guy in the photo was a biker for sure. The handover is taking place next week, so I’ll know more then. Anyway, Jackson and I retrieved our inventory, but the bar incident got me thinking that maybe Death Riders were behind the theft. I’ve heard rumors about their expansion, especially now that Chaos Crew has disbanded. We own the gun trade in Western Canada with our inroads to the US market, but Galen wants in. And I don’t think those women at our bar on the same night is a coincidence. It wouldn’t be hard for them to figure out that Wyatt and Dante go to Bikes & Brews every Friday.”

“I can’t believe I’m going to say this, but I agree with Sonny,” Avery paused. “I reviewed the security footage again. Both women walked into the bar and went straight for our guys. Maybe it was a ploy to get the rest of our crew to the bar and off our compound?”

“But then why would Galen and Kingston show up?” Gage asked as he rubbed a hand over his scruff.

“I don’t know, but I’ve got a bad feeling about all of it. Better warn everyone to be on guard,” Sonny murmured. “My biggest concern is, how the fuck did this thief and whoever paid him, find our storage location?”

“I’ve got an idea,” Avery said as she stood up and paced.

Sonny shook his head. “Fucking hell to the no, woman.”

“You don’t even know what I was going to say!” Avery yelled.

Sonny groaned. “If it’s coming from your yap, I know it ain’t good.”

“Shut up, Sonny,” Avery responded, undeterred by his comments. “I volunteer to work at the bar full time. I can chat with our customers, see if I pick up anything. The drink always loosens up tongues. People tend to forget I’m part of the club, especially if I act the dumb blonde.”

“That’s an act?” Sonny smirked and got one of Avery’s middle fingers in return.

Gage watched Avery and Sonny closely and nodded his head.

“Can’t hurt,” Gage responded. “But I want Sonny to shadow you.”

“No way!” Sonny and Avery yelled at the same time.

Gage raised one eyebrow. “I haven’t lived to forty-five by being stupid, Avery. My gut agrees with Sonny that the incident at the bar and the theft on the same night is the start of something nasty. And I trust Sonny to protect you.”

“I don’t need protecting. And didn’t you just tell me to handle this stuff on my own?” Avery quipped.

“A fight in a public bar, yes. Poking your nose into the business of another MC by asking questions is different. You know people in these parts keep quiet. You start getting curious and others will want to know why.”

“You’re overreacting.”

“Like last night?” Sonny stood up and faced Avery. “What would have happened if I hadn’t show up?”

Avery moved closer, so close Sonny noticed that her eyes were more gold than brown and framed by the thickest eyelashes he’d ever seen.

What the fuck?Since when did he notice shit like a woman’s eye color?

Disgusted with himself, he turned away. He must be coming down with a bug or something.