Page 28 of No Chance in Hell

“Do you know your sister at all? She’s not the type to sit around and wait for someone else to figure out what’s going on.”

“That’s true. But man, you are so dead. She’s gonna tear you a new asshole when she gets out.”

Of that, Sonny had no doubt.

They continued to walk down the hallway and to the left, to the gym that was at the back of the building.

Their club brother, Xander Layton, was busy doing bicep curls but stopped when he spotted them. Grabbing a towel, he sauntered over.

Unlike most members, Xander had only one tattoo – the club insignia on his left hand. The black lined tattoo was a skull with two capital H letters surrounded by flames.

With dark blue eyes and long black hair, Xander looked more like a model than a typical biker. He was a health nut too, foregoing the usual cigarettes, alcohol, and shitty food. Xander had two vices: pot and sex, and not necessarily in that order. Xander wasn’t shy about the fact that he was bisexual, fucking rando men and women at the clubhouse parties and every other night in between. The guy had a sex drive that was the envy of everyone. He was also a skilled marksman and hunter and dabbled in coding on the side. In short, he was a fucking machine.

“You finished, Mr. Universe?” Jesse smirked as he gave Xander a once over. “We got actual work to be done.”

Xander took his time wiping his face and neck down and then smiled, his teeth so white and bright it gave Sonny a headache. “I’m glad you like what you see, Jesse, but I don’t fuck my club brothers.”

“Funny,” Jesse’s face reddened, and he coughed into his fist. “Anyway, when you’re done here, we need you to look at the security footage from last night. Someone left a package at our gate, and inside it was a picture of Avery. She’s being threatened. The dogs picked up on a strange scent, but we got nothing on the feed. Can you double check to make sure we haven’t been hacked?”

Xander’s smile faded and he nodded. “I’ll do that right away. Is Avery okay?”

“Sonny locked her up in the bunker,” Jesse replied.

Xander chuckled. “Oh, fuck, you’re a dead man walking.”

Sonny was in total agreement.



Sonny sat in the game room - AKA the security room – watching the various camera feeds, waiting for Xander to finish his review of last night’s tape.

He’d turned on the feed in room 1 of the bunker to keep an eye on Avery.

Not to watch her. To watch the bunker. For security purposes.

Avery was fine. She was pacing in the bunker room, wearing a hole in the floor. She looked pissed for a while then bored, until Wyatt and Nate visited her with food and a drink. They brought her out of the room, probably a bathroom break, during which Avery fought like hell. Then they shoved her back in. Sonny watched her plead with Wyatt and Nate but no dice. They left and locked up again. No brother would disobey an order from their president.

Avery looked up at the camera, hidden as an air filter, and gave the middle finger. Sonny tried to stifle a laugh but not well enough. Jesse and Xander also caught the gesture.

“Your girl is speaking your love language, Sonny,” Xander murmured as he typed away on the laptop.

“Not mine. And she’s no girl.”

“You’re right. All woman. And damn, what a fine one. If she wasn’t related to Gage, I’ll be fucking that sweet pussy night and day.”

“Shut your mouth and hurry the fuck up,” Sonny snapped, back to his usual disposition.

“Don’t talk about my sister that way,” Jesse interrupted.

“Don’t be jealous, Jesse. I’ve always thought you filled out jeans better than her,” Xander replied with a cocky grin.

Jesse’s face turned bright red. “I swear, your dick must be bigger than your brain.”

“They’re both big and in demand,” Xander replied matter of fact while he typed away. “Okay, so, our feed hasn’t been hacked. That’s the good news. The bad news is, I think we have a blind spot. And we need to fix it asap.”

“So that’s it. We got nothing?” Sonny shook his head.