She couldn’t believe that he’d locked her in. Like a caged animal. Like a prisoner.
Avery was nothing of the kind. And Sonny was about to learn the hard way that you don’t mess with a Hellion.
Sonny felt guilty for the first time in his life.
He’d done what he needed to but once the danger was past, Avery would have his balls for breakfast. And he was pretty sure she’d be in the right. He ran his tongue over his swollen lip again, her sweet taste lingering, despite the blood.
The club wouldn’t treat any other member this way. But she was Gage’s daughter, and the president would do anything to protect her. And Sonny’s own growing feelings about her made him feel the same way. Avery wasn’t dumb but she could be reckless and impulsive. And brave.
Like drugging three bikers to get info out of them.
He readily admitted he admired her tenacity and determination.
It was just another part of her that drew him in like a moth to a goddamn flame.
Sonny’s phone pinged and he quickly glanced at the message.
Gage: I’m heading out with the guys to Canmore. Is Avery okay?
She’s locked up in the bunker and pissed as hell.
She might not speak to me ever again but that’s okay.
She’ll probably murder me in my sleep. I’ve got to talk to Jesse and Xander about tonight, heading back to the clubhouse.
Sonny placed his phone in his back pocket. The temperature had dropped again, and fat snowflakes began to fall, blanketing everything around him in crystal and ice.
He spotted Jesse in the distance, his blond hair the same shade as his sister’s. Jesse wore his in an undercut, with long pieces on top that tended to fall into his eyes. And of course, Jesse had the dogs by his side. Their collie and rottweiler mix, Duke, as well as their German shepherd, Diesel, followed him, sniffing the ground and stopping, then waiting patiently for Jesse’s next command. They had ten dogs on the property, and all were trained to defend it as needed. Jesse had an affinity for animals and took care of all the training as well as their care.
Sonny waved at Jesse, and they met on the driveway leading up to the clubhouse. The dogs bounded up to Sonny and he gave them each scritches, praising them.
“You ready to talk about the plan for tonight?” Sonny asked.
“Course. Let’s go find Xander. He’s probably in the gym.”
“Were you walking the perimeter?”
“Yeah, Dad told me about Avery’s picture, so I figured it was a good idea. Sure enough, the dogs went nuts down by the gate. There was someone they didn’t recognize there last night. Also, I noticed boot prints leading down to the road but there’s so much snow and slush mixed in it’s hard to make out any pattern.”
“What about the cameras?”
“Nada. Either this person knows where they’re located and they found a blindspot or this person’s a fucking ghost.”
“Do you think they could’ve tampered with it?”
“You mean hacked our security feed? I don’t know. I’m not good at tech stuff like Xander. We’ll have him look over the tape again.”
Sonny nodded as they walked up the steps and into the house.
“Good. Meantime, you should know that Avery is locked up in the bunker.”
“What?” Jesse spun around.
“Orders from your dad.” Sonny held his hands up. “She’s not to go anywhere until we figure this out.”
“Yeah, but locking her up? Come on, man. She’s smarter than that. She ain’t gonna run off.”