Three bodies within thirty seconds. They barely had a chance to blink before it was all over.
They knew the risks. If you want to party with outlaw MCs, you gotta be prepared for the consequences.
Sonny entered through the main door while his brothers ambushed from the two exits. The goal was to take down as many Death Riders as fast as possible but most important of all, they needed to get Galen, the president.
Sonny entered the lounge and there were already five, no six, DR guys laid out on the floor, bleeding out. He scanned the crowd and noticed two groups of men hiding behind overturned tables. One guy peered around the corner and aimed his handgun, firing at the north exit where Nate and Gage had entered. Gage returned fire and the guy got nicked in the shoulder, dropping his weapon. The gun clattered on the floor and slid. Sonny quickly ran and picked up the gun, placing it in the waistband of his jeans.
A noise to his right made Sonny swing around and suddenly he was face to face with Kingston Hedge. He was sweating profusely, blood dripping down the side of t-shirt. Out of the corner of his eye, Sonny caught Dante moving in behind Kingston.
“You thought you were so clever, sending your bitch in here. Well, the joke’s on you, Sonny.”
“No fucking way. We’ve already killed six of your boys and we got the ammo and the skill to take the rest of them out. Drop your gun and I’ll consider killing you humanely.”
“Fuck you!” Kingston spit and released the safety on his gun.
“You asked for it,” Sonny replied, and another shot rang out. Not from his gun, but Dante’s.
Blood seeped out of Kingston’s mouth as he lurched forward. He collapsed just as Dante came out of the shadows.
“Thanks, brother.”
Sonny nodded at Dante until another shot rang out above them. They hit the floor.
“Don’t thank me yet, it ain’t over,” Dante panted.
“Avery, do you copy?” Sonny tapped his earpiece. “Avery, where are you?”
The longer he waited for her to respond, the harder his fast beat. At this rate he was going to have a coronary before the night was up.
“Have you seen Avery?” Sonny asked. “She’s not responding to the comms.”
“Maybe it fell out. There’s a group crowded behind the DJ booth. I saw a couple of women, maybe one of them is Avery.”
“I’ve got to get over there. Cover me.”
Sonny crouched low and made his way along the edge of the room, the crunch of broken glass echoing with every footstep.
He walked past five more DR bodies and more pools of blood, returning fire when fired upon. Then he spotted Nate.
Another Death Rider reared up with a handgun, but he was outnumbered. Both Nate and Sonny fired shots from the periphery and the man collapsed in the middle of the room and didn’t move.
Sonny counted six, no seven guys running out of the place, abandoning their brothers to their fate. That was a shit move, but Sonny guessed that loyalty had limits in the DR crew.
Sonny passed three more bodies on his way to the DJ booth on stage. Twelve dead, seven on the run. That left eleven members including Galen. Sonny slowly made his way around the mass of overturned tables, shattered beer bottles, and wads of crumpled cash. Another body lay stretched out at the base of a platform.
Sonny tapped his earpiece. “Thirteen down, seven have run off. That leaves ten members to go. I killed Kingston but no sign of Galen yet.”
“Several more members are heading for the east exit, we’ll take care of them,” Jackson replied. “Wait. I just spotted Galen on the stage. He’s armed.”
A flash of movement to Sonny’s left caught his eye and he swung his gun around but stopped short when he saw Avery’s head pop up, blonde hair and all. She’d ripped off the wig. Thank God she was okay. Sonny’s relief was short lived as he caught sight of another figure walking behind her.
He motioned for Avery to come to him, and she popped out of sight again. Sonny crept along the edge of the stage towards her. She was crawling on her hands and knees in his direction.
The figure in the dark emerged behind her.
The DR president grabbed her ankle, pulling her back. Sonny leapt up and pulled his weapon.