Page 77 of Linc

Ozzy opens the door, and I walk in.

Jace looks up from the chair he’s tied to with a crude bandage wrapped around his middle.

“You lived,” he slurs.

Even if I didn’t come here tonight, there’s no doubt in my mind he isn’t long for this world. But I’ll be damned if I let him slip into a fever dream and die in his sleep. That’s way too good for this asshole.

“I guess you and that whore get to live happily ever after now.”

I walk up to him like I don’t have a care in the fucking world and punch him in the eye. Just like he did my girl.

“Got something else to say, fuckwad?” I ask, standing over him.

He looks at me with a cut gushing blood above his eyebrow.

“Yeah. Fuck you,” he spits out.

I dig my thumb into the wound where Charlie’s bullet tore through him. He lets out an ear-piercing howl of pain. Good thing for soundproof walls.

“I’m not the one who’s fucked here, Jace. You came after my brothers. My woman.” I dig my thumb harder. “And thought you were going to get away with it.”

He doesn’t apologize or beg me to spare his life. He knows this is the end.

“She will be loved and cherished like you should have done when you had her. I’ll make sure she’s so happy and protected every day for the rest of her life that she’ll never think of you again.” I pull the knife from my boot. “And you? You’ll be nothing more than worm food.”

Grabbing his hair, I yank his head back and slice the blade across his throat, watching with satisfaction as he chokes on his own blood. I step back and stare at his lifeless body.

“Fuck you, asshole.” This isn’t the first life I’ve taken in the name of the Black Roses, but it is the first for my girl. And just like the other times, I have no regrets.

Now that the adrenaline is wearing off, exhaustion quickly overtakes me. Knox enters the room and sees me wavering on my feet.

“I’ll handle the cleanup, brother. You go back to your girl.”

Normally, this would be a two-man job, but hell if I’m going to argue.

“Yeah, I think that would be a good idea.”

Knox clasps me on the shoulder. “You gonna put your patch on her?”

A wide grin splits my mouth. “Hell yeah, I am.”

Knox nods and turns to the body in the middle of the room without commenting further.

Jude is on the other side of the door and helps me up the stairs. Rather than going back to my room a bloody mess, we go to Jude’s, and he helps me wrap my bandage in plastic and puts a folding chair in the shower for me.

“I love you like a brother, but washing your balls is too much to ask,” he says when I spot the chair.

“Agreed,” I reply.

After a quick shower, I change into a pair of his sweats and slowly make the trek back to my own room where Charlie is still sleeping peacefully.

The movement on the mattress when I lie down wakes her, no matter how careful I try to be.

“You okay?” she asks sleepily.

“Never better, baby.”

She curls back into my side.