Page 61 of Linc

“I fucking wish,” Jude mumbles as he walks past and heads to the front door.

“I simply can’t tell you how excited I am to get to spend however many days with that absolute ray of sunshine,” Lucy says, sarcasm dripping from every syllable.

We trudge up the stairs, our limbs a little stiff from the last few hours of riding. Usually, a ride like that wouldn’t bother me in the least, but I was tense from keeping an eye out for any signs of Jace or the Italians. It’ll be nice to relax somewhere safe with my girl next to me.

“Okay, kids, here’s how it works. There’s a keypad at every door and sensors on all the windows. When you enter the house, you have twenty seconds to turn off the alarm.”

“What happens after twenty seconds?” Lucy asks.

“You don’t want to know,” Jude replies menacingly.

Lucy rolls her eyes, completely unaffected by his implied threat.

“We’re totally off the grid, so it’s generators and firelight from here on out. There’s no cell service, either. According to Liam, you can track just about anyone through their phone.”

Sounds on par with what I know of Jude’s brother.

We step into the cabin and Jude shows us the code and how to set the alarm once we’re inside.

Taking a look around the space, it really isn’t much.

“Your brother’s a minimalist?” Lucy asks.

It’s what you would expect of a cabin in the middle of the woods. A couch that’s probably been here about as long as the cabin, with an old worn-in recliner next to it. There’s a fireplace covering one wall without anything on the mantle. The appliances in the kitchen are also old as shit. I open the small fridge and thankfully cold air blasts me in the face. At least that works. It looks like someone even stocked it for us.

Eying the steaks, I pull one out and show Jude. “That was nice of your brother.”

He shakes his head. “One of his buddies was out here with his old lady. Liam told them he needed it for a job, so they had to find somewhere else. I guess she tends to have a hard time being around a lot of people, so they use the cabin to get away from the city.”

“Good for us then. We have plenty of shit to grill while we’re here.”

When I walk back into the living room both of the bedroom doors are open. I peek my head in one and find Charlie putting our stuff away in the closet. The simple gesture of taking care of me puts a smile on my face.

“Hey, babe. Did you happen to pack a swimsuit?”

Charlie looks at me like I’ve lost my mind. “Why on earth would I have thought to do that?”

“Don’t worry, I brought a couple,” I hear Lucy call from the room next door. I knew I liked this girl.

“Why?” Charlie replies.

Lucy walks to the doorway and leans against it. “Why not? Since no one would tell me where we were going, I figured I’d pack a little of everything. For all I knew, we could have been hiding out in some palatial estate with an indoor pool or some shit. Seemed like a good idea to be prepared for anything.”

“You wish, princess,” Jude calls from the couch.

“You have no idea just how far off you are with the princess remark, biker boy.”

“Whatever you say,” he replies as he heaves himself off the couch. “Linc, let’s go to the basement, so I can show you where my brother keeps…” He looks between the girls. “Some of his things.”

Lucy rolls her eyes. “If you mean his personal arsenal, I figured he had one.” She taps her finger against her chin. “Unless it’s some secret red room of pleasure. Then I’m not sure you should be spilling your brother’s secrets.”

Jude stares at Lucy, giving her a deadpan glare. “Do you ever stop?”

“Nope,” she replies, popping the P.

“Come on.” Jude jerks his head, and I follow him down the narrow staircase.

The basement is cut short by a wall with a steel door that has a keypad next to it. Jude enters the same code used for the security system, and the door unlocks. Inside are rows of guns, about the same amount that we keep at the clubhouse. Below the weapons are the ammunition used for each one.