Page 58 of Linc

“Those kids are twats,” Linc replies.

“Too true.” His brother laughs.

“I have you on speaker with Ozzy, Linc, and Linc’s girl, Charlie.”

“Hello, Liam,” Ozzy says.

“Ozzy, you big lumbersnack, how the hell are you?”

“What the fuck is a lumbersnack?” Ozzy says with a disgusted look on his face.

“Just a bloke who wears flannels and has a beard. I heard it on that video app everyone has nowadays.”

“I’m going to need you to never say that to me again.” Ozzy is scowling at the phone in Jude’s hand, and it takes everything in me to hold in my laughter.

“Sorry, you’re a big bad biker, not a lumbersnack,” Liam replies drily.

“Good God, can we please move on?” Jude has apparently had enough of his brother’s needling.

“Sure, sure. What can I do for you, gentlemen?”

“Liam, I need a safe house for a few days,” Ozzy says.

“Does this have to do with why my brother needed new wheels last week?”

“It does.”

“And does it have something to do with Charlotte Saunders?”

“How do you know my full name?” I ask Jude’s brother.

“Hello, darling,” Liam greets. “It’s my business to know a lot of things about a lot of people, especially the people my one and only brother surrounds himself with. After Texas, I did some digging. That ex of yours is turning out to be a real problem.”

I sit back in my seat next to Linc, incredibly uncomfortable with how much this man seems to know about me.

“It’s okay, Charlie, he’s on our side.” Linc’s reassuring words do little to calm my anxiety about Liam.

“As for your request Ozzy, I have a little place I think will suit your needs. I keep it well stocked, if you catch my drift.”

I shoot Linc a questioning look.

“He has some sort of arsenal in there,” he whispers.

“I’ll give my brother the particulars. When do they plan on being there?”

“They’ll be leaving within the hour,” Ozzy responds, looking at the three of us.

Linc nods in agreement.

“Alright then. Take me off speaker, little brother, and I’ll give you the information you’ll need to get there and get set up.” Liam says. “Oh, and Ozzy? You know this means you owe me a favor now, correct?”

“I figured you wouldn’t be doing this out of the kindness of your heart,” Ozzy replies.

Liam laughs. “That’s a luxury men like us can’t afford. Cheerio,” Liam says with fake enthusiasm before Jude takes him off speaker and finishes his call.

“My brother is a wanker,” he mumbles, pocketing his phone.

“That may be true, but I feel better having you guys safe where no one will think to look. We know for certain Jace has no idea where any of Liam’s safe houses are located. I’ll deal with your brother if it means getting this shit handled.”