Page 43 of Linc

“Not now that you’re sleeping with her, right? You honestly think your dick is that good there’s no chance she’s gonna get spooked and be in the wind again? She doesn’t know the Italians are after her and what they’re capable of. The Irish, too, for that matter. The only reason Monaghan isn’t up my ass with this is because I told him we have it handled.”

“So, if she’s here, what’s the problem? She’ll tell me when she’s ready.”

“Secrets are no way to start a relationship, Linc. Both of you are keeping shit from each other, and that’s dangerous. You can’t trust her when she isn’t being honest, and it’s obvious she doesn’t trust you enough to tell you why Jace is really after her.”

“I’ll talk to her. There’s a reason she hasn’t said anything. I don’t know what she has, but she must be afraid of my reaction if she still hasn’t told me.” Not that there had been much time for talking last night. “Look, she’s just gotten to the point she doesn’t look like a scared deer in a clubhouse full of bikers. I just need to build more trust with her. Give it a little time.”

“That’s something we may not have much of. The Italians aren’t known for their patience, and it sounds like whatever she has could do some damage to the Irish. Cataldi reaching out to me tells me they want to take over the guns from the Irish and are ready to take action.”

Everything Ozzy’s saying makes sense. Charlie needs to come clean. There’s more to the story, I’m certain of it. Could she be scared because of our connection to the Irish, and she thinks we’d let something happen to her at their hands? The one thing I know for certain is I need to tread lightly. We may have had an amazing night, but that doesn’t mean she trusts me yet.

“Alright, Oz. I’ll talk to her.”

He nods and dismisses me.

A strong cup of black coffee is needed to attack the rest of this day. When I head toward the kitchen, I hear Stacia’s high-pitched, annoying voice.

“Just because you’re sleeping with one of the brothers now, don’t think you’re above cleaning up after them.”

“Bitch, you’re just mad that paying rent on your back doesn’t get you out of cooking and cleaning,” I hear Lucy snark.

“Oh, you think your friend is special? Please… last week I was the one—“

I cut off whatever she was about to say when I slam the kitchen door open, startling the three women who look ready to throw down in the middle of the room.

“That’s enough, Stacia. Nothing that happens between me and Charlie is any of your fucking business or anyone else’s, for that matter. You’ve been here long enough to know the score. Have a problem with it? Talk to Ozzy. Otherwise, stay the fuck out of Charlie’s and Lucy’s way.”

This drama is the last thing we need first thing in the morning. First, Ozzy getting on my ass about finding out what Charlie has, then I walk into this. I just wanted a cup of coffee and to fuck my girl a few more times before the day is over.

I decide there’s only one thing that’ll wipe this tension from me.

Tuning to Charlie, I ask, “Ever been on a bike?”

Stacia huffs and stomps out of the kitchen. She’s probably pissed I’ve never offered to take her on a ride.

A wide smile lights up Charlie’s face. “No, but I’ve always wanted to.”

“Well, today’s your lucky day, Charlie pop.”

She laughs, and I tell her to go change into some jeans and boots. I can’t help but smack that delicious ass as she walks past me. When I turn to get some coffee before we take off, Lucy is studying me with a warning in her gaze.

“Say it,” I tell her.

“Don’t mess with my girl’s heart, Linc. I know you’re doing us a solid by helping us out, but the second I think you’re fucking her around, we’re out.”

“Oh, yeah? And where you gonna go?”

“If you think I can’t survive on my own and start over where no one would find us, you’re sadly mistaken. I’ve done it before, and I’ll do it again.”

Lucy grabs her coffee and leaves the kitchen.

Charlie leaving is exactly what I’m trying to avoid. She needs me. She just has to believe she can trust me.

There’s nothing better than the open road with a hot-as-fuck girl’s arms wrapped around your middle, hanging on for dear life. I’m not going as fast as usual, but every time I speed up a hair, Charlie squeaks in protest.

We take a long ride around Shine and to the outskirts, where the river runs alongside a little park. I decide this is the perfect place to stop and talk. It’s not clear to me how I’m supposed to bring up what Ozzy needs me to. I’m more of a wing-it kind of guy, but Charlie has just now started opening up to me. At least sexually. We still have a pretty far ways to go on all the other stuff. Lucy’s words from earlier tumble around in my brain. There’s no doubt in my mind she would be able to make good on her threat. What if somehow I make her feel threatened by asking her about what she’s hiding? Would she and Lucy take off and put themselves in more danger?

“God, it’s so beautiful here. I love being around the water,” Charlie says, removing her helmet.