Page 33 of Linc

“Honestly?” Linc takes a breath in and lets it out slowly. “I’d love nothing more than to tell you this is just a precautionary measure, but with the shit going on and your ex, who is obviously not afraid to open fire, I’d say they’re enough that I want to make sure you’re comfortable handling a firearm.”

I nod, appreciating his honesty.

“Listen, babe,” he says, taking the gun from my hand and setting it next to the others. “I will do everything in my power to make sure it never comes to it, but this is for your own peace of mind as much as mine.”

Linc tucks a lock of hair that’s fallen from my ponytail behind my ear. His hand cups the side of my neck as he brushes his thumb against the line of my jaw—just like he did last night. And just like last night, I feel my heart thumping wildly in my chest from his touch.

“Are we flirting or shooting,” Jude calls from a few feet away.

Letting out an embarrassed giggle, I step away from Linc and pick up the weapon, checking the clip and safety like he showed me.

“Alright. Let’s do some target practice.” Linc comes up behind me and presses into my back, adjusting my stance.

God, the man smells so good. There’s no lingering smoke or booze smell from last night, just that freshly showered, clean smell.

“You’re distracting me,” I say out of the side of my mouth so no one else overhears.

“Good,” he says, turning his head slightly to bury his nose in my hair, inhaling deeply. He straightens and moves back a full step. “There’s going to be a lot more distracting you if you’re ever in a position to have to use that thing.”


“Okay, now remember what I said about not locking your elbows and taking slow and steady breaths.”

I nod once.

“Go for it.”

I squeeze the trigger, and the kickback is stronger than I expect. Peering at the target, I see I didn’t even come close to hitting it.

“Don’t worry about being perfect your first time out. This is about getting used to the feel of it in your hand.”

I dip my chin, trying to fight the disappointment.

“Try again.”

Focusing back on the target, I line up my shot and pop off three more rounds.

“You’re getting better, but you’re tensing too much before you fire. Breathe out slowly as you squeeze,” Lucy coaches from beside me.

“I didn’t realize we had an expert in our midst,” Jude comments. “Why don’t you let Linc teach her since he’s the one with experience.”

Lucy swings her gaze to Jude, and a small smile creeps across her mouth.

Uh-oh. I know that smile.

Lucy saunters over to the table with the guns and glides her fingers over the selection. She settles on a handgun that looks way bigger than anything I would be comfortable holding and strides over to Jude. She turns to the target he has set up for himself and lifts the pistol, popping off three quick shots. When she lowers her arm, she looks at Jude with a wide smile. He looks toward the target with two holes in the chest and one in the head.

“You were saying?” she asks with a scowl when he looks back at her.

“Seems we have a ringer over here,” he calls to Linc. “Where did you learn to shoot like that?” Jude is looking at Lucy, suspicion swirling in his gaze.

“There’s a lot you don’t know about me, biker boy, and you never will.”

Walking back over to the chair she was watching from, she picks up the magazine she was reading, crosses her legs, and sits tall.

Jude is speechless as he watches her with a discerning gaze. He doesn’t know what to make of my raven-haired best friend, and I can tell it’s not sitting well with him.

“Did you know she had that kind of aim?” Linc asks me.