Page 19 of Linc

I must be high from sleep deprivation or something because when he speaks, I can almost feel the rumble of his voice roll through me. Lucy turns to me while I’m still lost in my reaction to the sound of Linc’s deep timbre. I shake out of my stupor and nod.

“Yeah,” I croak out. “Sounds good.”

“Be out in a minute,” she tells him, then looks back at me. “You okay?”

“Yup, just tired.”

The look Lucy sends me says she doesn’t buy it but thankfully, stays silent.

When we walk out, the sun is still high in the sky, and the four bikers are there, freshly showered and waiting for us. They’re all wearing their cuts, and I watch as a car full of women probably my age passes the parking lot in front of the motel. The way all of them, including the driver, stare at these guys has my hackles rising. Jesus, I’m surprised they didn’t run into the little old lady walking her dog down the sidewalk. The guys, of course, don’t notice.

“Good God, please smack me if I’m ever that obvious checking out a man,” Lucy comments with an eye roll.

We laugh as we walk arm in arm to where the guys are standing.

“What’s so funny over there?” Wyatt asks.

“Wouldn’t you like to know,” Lucy sasses. The last thing any of these guys probably need is an ego boost.

Linc comes to my other side as the three other bikers walk in front of us to cross the street to the little diner that reminds me so much of where I first met Linc.

“She’s gonna be a problem, isn’t she?” he asks, nodding to Lucy.

Chuckling, I say, “You have no idea.” My best friend is a force to be reckoned with.

“You scared of little ol’ me, biker boy?” Lucy drawls as Jude holds the door, chuckling under his breath.

“I have a feeling you’re all bark and no bite, Lucifer.”

“We’ll see about that.” Lucy smiles sweetly before snapping her jaws at him.

Lucy saunters to a table, putting a little extra sway in her hips. She may be short, but her curves had the men in NOLA and Texas panting after her like thirsty dogs.

“I wouldn’t be too sure about the no-bite thing, Jude. I’ve seen her make grown men cry with one well-placed knee shot to their dicks,” I warn.

Jude looks from me to Lucy, then back to me with an expression that’s difficult to decipher. Maybe cautious curiosity?


The six of us sit in a large circular booth in the back of the restaurant. I’m wedged between Lucy and Linc, who is sitting on the edge of the booth with his long legs eating up the tight space under the table. It’s not like he can help his thigh pressing into mine, but that doesn’t stop my heart from trying to beat out of my chest at the contact. I’m attempting to read the menu to decide what I want for dinner, but my mind keeps wandering to the heat radiating from his thigh to mine.

“What looks good to you?” Linc asks, way too close to me for me to be able to concentrate on anything other than the way his warm, minty breath fans against my face.

“Burger,” I blurt. “With bacon.”

A wide smile lights Linc’s face. “I like a girl who appreciates meat.”

“Oh, yeah, I’m all about the meat.” What am I even saying?

After the waitress comes to take our order, the conversation resumes around the table, thankfully distracting me from the feel of Linc’s body brushing against mine.

Well, almost.

Lucy is talking up a storm, telling the guys funny stories from all the different places she’s worked across the country. She comes from a little town in Nevada she swears no one has ever heard of, so she never tells anyone where it is. At least, that’s what she says. I think her being tight-lipped about where she’s from is a little more involved.

When we get our food, my eyes bulge out of my head, seeing the size of my burger.

“Dang girl, you’re going to have to unhinge your jaw to fit that beast,” Lucy says.