Page 18 of Linc

“You must have some pretty good friends if they don’t mind being woken up at this unholy hour to help you guys out,” Lucy quips as we make our way to the barn.

“Friend of Jude’s brother. The MC has a pretty long reach, but not as long as Liam’s.”

“Is Jude’s brother in the MC, too?” I ask.

“No,” Linc laughs and shakes his head. “He runs a security firm in Philly.”

“Is he the nice one?” Lucy asks as Jude makes his way to us.

“Aw, Lucifer, are you saying I’m not nice?” Jude rests his hand over his heart. “I’m devastated.”

Lucy rolls her eyes before opening the car door and slamming it shut. Jude lets out a boisterous laugh while Barrett and I make ourselves comfortable in the front seat.

“Come on, let’s get out of here so Jasper can get some sleep before morning chores,” Jude tells the group.

The smaller sedan is less roomy than the giant van but probably less conspicuous. We get back to the highway and once again, follow the formation of motorcycles leading us east. The steady roar of the bikes and the gentle rocking of the car as we head down the highway is enough to make my eyelids droop. Even though I have a million questions about what I’m about to walk into once we get to Massachusetts, I can’t fight the exhaustion from overtaking me. I fall into an uneasy sleep, my dreams plaguing me with images of blood and glass reigning down on me while Jace stalks toward me, that evil smirk I saw so many times on his face, telling me I’ll never be free.

After what seems like a hundred hours on the road but, in reality, was about twelve, we pull off the highway and find a little motel. So far, we’ve only stopped for gas and to grab snacks so we could all stretch our legs. Lucy and I have been sleeping on and off, but both of us are exhausted and stiff as hell. It doesn’t take much to imagine how Linc and the rest of the guys riding must feel right about now.

Barrett goes to the office and comes back with three room keys.

“You two are sharing a room. We’ll stop here for the night. Let’s get settled, then grab some grub.”

The three rooms are lined up next to each other around the back of the motel in front of the kidney-shaped pool that’s seen better days.

“Girl, I am in desperate need of a hot shower and to brush my dang teeth. I’m pretty sure they’re wearing sweaters at this point,” Lucy says, opening the door to our room.

I laugh as she throws her stuff on the bed.

“I’ll let you go first.”

When I turn around, I see Linc head into the room next to ours. When his tired gaze lands on mine, I give him a small smile.

“We’ll rest, then get something from the diner across the street, yeah?” he asks, opening his door.

“Sounds good.”

Closing the door to our room, I lean against it while Lucy pulls her things from her bag and heads to the bathroom. The image of Linc’s soft hazel eyes imprints on the back of my lids, and his soft voice from that night in the truck comes back to me.

I don’t regret a thing.

I can’t help wondering if he’ll still feel that way when he realizes what I stole from Jace that night almost got us all killed. Or if he’ll decide my baggage is too much and wash his hands of me when we get to his clubhouse.

Lucy comes out of the bathroom while I’m still leaning against the door.

“Damn girl, are you so tired that you fell asleep standing up?” she jokes, running a brush through her long black hair.

“No, just lost in thought.”

“Those thoughts have anything to do with a certain biker you’ve barely been able to keep your eyes off for the last twelve hours we were in the car?”

Lucy sees too damn much. Instead of answering her, I heave off the door and grab a change of clothes, heading to the bathroom. The door shuts on Lucy’s laugh.

“Busted,” she sing-songs through the thin wood.

I’ve just finished braiding my wet hair after my shower and thinking it’s about time to grab a bottle of dye to darken my roots again when there’s a knock on the door. Lucy opens it after checking the peephole, and I hear Linc’s rough voice.

“We’re headed out to get some food. You ladies still up for joining us?”