Page 62 of Reckless Abandon

“I wasn’t, but now that you just busted up my business meeting, I don’t know.” She says playfully, rolling her eyes. “Thankfully, he seemed to understand. I think they really want me to be the one to buy it. He said his partner feel like I will be the one to carry on the legacy that her husband wanted this place to be.”

“I really am sorry. I feel like an idiot for thinking you would come here for a revenge fuck.”

“Actually, it's a pretty good idea. So don’t ever cross me or you know where to find me.” She deadpans.

“Not fucking funny, Lo… but I’m not worried because I would never do anything like that. I love you way too much to ever fuck this up. I can promise you that.” Pulling her into me by the back of her head, I slam my lips to hers.

“The thought of never feeling your lips on mine again has been taking minutes off my life all day long.” Kissing her again… our tongues tangled, completely lost in each other until a clearing of a throat brings our attention back to the present.

Looking up, expecting to see Dalton… the sight of Danni’s smug face makes me disgusted with myself that ever touched her.

“Aw well, isn’t this sweet? What happened to the other hottie you were all cozied up with?”

Before I can tell her to leave and never look in our direction again, Sloan claps back at her.

“Even though it's absolutely none of your fucking concern… We were discussing business.”

“Oh yeah, well, Wes and I have business to discuss.” Danni says, giving me an insinuating look.

“No, the fuck we don’t… Danni, we are done and nothing you say or do is going to change that.”

“Really? Not even the thought of your precious Sloan losing her business? Just like I told you before… all it takes is one interview with me on how she interfered in our relationship, and she will be ruined.”

I have been wanting to talk to Lo about the possibility of Danni doing something like this as backlash to us publicly being together. As much as I don’t want Sloan to be affected by her drama, I also refuse to not be with her because of it.

I hear Sloan laughing sarcastically beside me, “Oh Danni, if you think your clout scares me that much, then you are truly mistaken. I could care less what you say about me to the media. Everyone with a brain knows you are nothing but a pretty little liar.”

The stunned look on Danni’s face proves she wasn’t expecting that from Sloan.

“And just on the off chance, you do decide to speak out about us. I will do my own personal interview and tell them just how fake everything between us was and the fact that I have been in love with Sloan for almost a decade now.” I say, squeezing Lo’s leg.

“Fuck you both,” Danni shouts. “Don’t come running back to me when she decides she doesn’t want you again Wesley,” she sneers, slamming her hands down on the table causing one of the drinks to crash to the floor.

Sloan stands, bringing herself eye level with her. “That isn’t going to happen. So, lose his number and never contact him again… I hope I’ve made myself clear.”

Before Danni can open her mouth, Dalton makes his presence known. “Ms. Winters, I would kindly like to ask you to leave… you are no longer welcomed in this club.”

“Are you kidding me? Do you know who I am?”

“I do, and I know the kind of trouble you like to cause. I won’t have it in my club, and I’m sure she won’t have it in hers when she takes it over.” He says nodding his head towards Sloan.

She looks to Sloan and finally back towards Dalton as she picks her jaw up off the floor.

“Now, will you leave on your own, or do I need to have you escorted out?” He asks her.

Not answering, she huffs out a breath and turns… marching away like a child who didn’t get her way.

Thankfully, Dalton doesn’t hold the shit-show we have caused in here tonight against Lo.

He passes her a folder.

“Take a look at this business plan, with me staying on as a small investment partner. If you can make a decision by tomorrow afternoon, I’ll have our lawyer draw up the papers and we can sign tomorrow before I have to leave for London.”

“Okay, that sounds great. I’ve already arranged for my lawyer to look at it first thing and I’ll have a decision for you by lunchtime tomorrow. Thank you so much for this offer, Dalton.” She reaches out to shake his hand.

“Thank you.”

He walks about two steps away from our table and looks back over his shoulder at us. “You two should have a little fun here tonight. I think you both need it… I reserved room seven for you.”