Page 53 of Reckless Abandon

Stupidly, I think it’s a peace offering… that is, until she also slides her phone in front of me with an article about Wes and the actress Danni Winters in an embrace that makes it appear like they’re kissing passionately. The headline readsHollywood’s newest IT couple: so in love at the Emmys this past weekend.Who the hell is Danni Winters, and why is she kissing my Wes?

I know, I know, you can’t believe everything you read on the internet, but it still stings to see him in the arms of this Danni chick at an event that just passed. There is no way he’s in love with her by the way he made love to me last night… but why now? Why, when I finally have a chance with him, do these hurdles have to get in our way?

This article and the way my sister is acting serve as my reminders to why I shouldn’t let hope creep in. Yet again, the universe is letting me know it’s not our time yet.

I can’t face him this morning. I know I’ll say ‘screw everything’ the minute I look into those green eyes of his. Especially after the way he made love to me last night. But I can't just leave without saying goodbye. Instead, I write him a quick note. Hoping he understands my reasons for leaving.

* * *

Five Years Ago


The first thing I realize when I wake up is that I’m alone. Reaching over, I notice the sheets are rumpled with the evidence that she was there… but the bed is cold. Dread immediately fills my stomach and I know the regret from last night has hit her. Slamming my head back into my pillow, the memories of our first time racing through my head.

I finally got to feel every inch of the girl I’ve been pining for. The girl who, even after three years of barely seeing each other, is still my first and last thought of every day. After last night, I’m sure she will completely consume my mind. But I refuse to regret a single second of it.

The connection we create when we’re together is something most people never experience. Last night may have been fueled by lust, but it was lit up by our love for one another, the bond between us fusing even stronger with every stroke of my cock inside the woman I long for.

We may not have said it last night, but there is no doubt in my mind that Sloan loves me just as much as I love her. Unfortunately, that doesn’t mean she won’t regret it and flee back to her life in the city, where she’ll try to move on but never truly will. Trust me, I know… I’ve tried.

I need to talk with her and see where her mind is at. Getting my ass out of bed, I brush my teeth and throw on some clothes.

The kitchen is eerily quiet. Maybe everyone got an early start with our parents on the slopes, or they’re still passed out. Then I notice Eli sitting by the fireplace in the living room with his signature look… hat backwards and gray sweatpants.

“Morning. Where is everyone?” I say, startling E from his thoughts.

“Well, supposedly Lo suddenly remembered she had a paper due after the break and didn’t have any of the material she needed to work on it here, so she and Quinn left this morning.”

“What the fuck?” I utter, completely stunned that she had already packed up and left to drive home.

Eli looks at me curiously, but I really don’t care at this point. How could she just up and leave after last night?

“Wait, are you two… together again?”

I shake my head but decide to be honest. “No, but I wish we were. We had a special night together and I just don’t get why she would run from me this morning.” I knew she wasn’t ready to consider the thought of us yet, but I didn’t expect this.

Eli must hear the emotion in my voice. “Man, I’m sorry. I know you both care about each other and there's definitely something between you guys. Maybe she’s still worried about the distance…”

Three years ago, when we all went our separate ways, Eli told me that Lo had shared her side of the story. Saying she just didn’t know if she could handle the distance and all the changes going on in my life. Even though that was only partially true, I never went into more details with him.

I sit down across from him on the opposite couch, pulling at my hair in frustration over how we went from last night to today. “I can’t believe she fucking left.”

“See, this is exactly why I don’t do relationships. It’s too much. With baseball, I barely get to see my family or my best friends. Hell, you and Quinn always have to make time to travel to see me unless it’s the off season.” He takes a sip of his coffee before continuing, “Just keep following your dreams. Everything will fall into place one day.”

“Yeah, and I get that. Lo is still in college, and I have my modeling, but that’s not the same as baseball is for you. It’s not my life, it’s not my end all be all. What ifoneday is too late? I don’t think I could handle watching her settle down with someone else.”

That seems to make Eli ponder for a few. Squeezing his coffee mug a little harder than before, he says, “No way. Those girls are pursuing their own dreams too. They’re not ready to settle down either.”

The fact that he is referring to the girls in plural and not just Sloan doesn’t go missed by me.

“Yeah, but you just never know and honestly, I hate living this life of avoidance with her.”

“Well, then don’t,” Eli says bluntly.

“It’s not that easy for me. I can’t stand being around her and her not being mine. I have to literally stuff my hands in my pockets, so I don’t touch her all the time.”

Eli grins at me. “Damn boy… you still have it bad for her.”