Page 25 of Reckless Abandon

“Are you bragging about your ox cock again, Dad? We know it runs in the family,” Eli says. His mother gasps and Quinn spits out her spiked eggnog.

“Eww Eli. No... just no. Dad, do not answer that. What in the actual—” Sloan groans out in disgust, looking at Maddie for backup.

Her reaction has everyone cracking up and thankfully, the topic of conversation changes.

Long after the laughing has died down, Sloan continues to smile from ear to ear. She is still the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen. Her smile is contagious. I can’t help but stare at her… soaking in the woman she has turned into. She exudes confidence, not in a conceited sort of way, more like she’s confident in her own skin and not ashamed of herself.

My dad turns to me and speaks softly, “That girl has always put that look on your face. Even when you were a kid, before I think you even realized.”

I nod my head, knowing it's true.

“I know, my son, and I know you go after what you want. So go after her bud.”

“It’s more complicated than that, Dad.”

Patting me on the shoulder in that fatherly manner, he says, “Well, uncomplicate it. As they say, nothing good in life comes easy. Sometimes you have to fight for it. Fight for her Wes.”

“You’re right, Dad,” I say, looking back to Sloan. In that second her eyes meet mine, and I know she feels it too.

The love… the heartache… the desire.It’s all still there.

* * *

“Okay boys,we need one of you to take a picture of all us ladies for our annual PJ pic,” my mom says as they move towards the living room.

Years back, the girls all started getting matching pajamas with the moms and it’s become a thing ever since. Not sure what the hell you do with that many pairs of Christmas pajamas, but hey, it's not my money. This year, they have little gingerbread men all over them.

“Brayden, take it for us. Put that brand new iPhone to work,” Quinn’s mom says to her son while the ladies settle on the couch.

Each mom has a daughter on her lap except mine until Lo walks in. With no hesitation, she walks right over and plops down onto my mom, squeezing her neck and giving her a kiss on the cheek. Seeing the way my mom lights up from her affection literally makes my knees weak.

I can’t even bear to watch it.

Fuck, I still love that girl… so damn much.

* * *

The crowd has startedto dwindle, but for some reason I just can’t make myself leave.

Sloan, Quinn, and I are sitting around the den whileHome Aloneplays on the TV in the background. We can’t stop laughing about all the weird shit our parents did today. The funniest moment was probably when Mr. Turner opened the butt-plug during the Dirty Santa gift game. Not only was his daughter the one who brought the gift… his son was the one who stole it from him because he wanted to try it out on his girlfriend. When his wife said, “Well… you are obsessed with my ass so no wonder your kids have an anal fetish,” we all fell on the floor laughing.

“I’m not sure I’m loving how comfortable our parents are with letting their freak flags fly in front of us now that we’re all adults,” Sloan says to me and Quinn as we sit in front of the big Christmas tree, finishing off the last of our whiskey.

Quinn giggles. “I mean, where do you think we all get it from? They are some kinky bitches, just like us.”

“Ugh, true.” Sloan rolls her eyes with a smirk on her full lips.

I tug at my pants, needing to readjust because my dick is already getting hard thinking about Sloan’s kinks and that last blog entry of hers

Every time I read what she writes, it just adds to my fantasies.

Quinn’s phone chimes with a text before she says, “Welp, I’m going to head home. I have to get to sleep before Santa comes down my chimney.” That makes Sloan laugh and I have no doubt it’s some type of sexual innuendo those two have made up over the years.

She kisses us both bye and just like that, I’m left sitting alone with the girl I love. We haven’t been alone since the last time she let her guard down—on our parents’ annual ski trip almost four years ago.

I watch as she drinks the rest of her whiskey in one gulp.Yep, she’s thinking about the last time we were alone too.

Sloan stands and nods towards my empty glass. “I think I’ll have one more drink. Can I get you another?”