Page 54 of Reckless Abandon

We both laugh and then Eli says, “Look… keep grinding and creating the life you want for yourself because you know she is going to. Then if it’s meant to be… you guys will find your way back to each other.”

I smile at my best friend, hoping his words are true. “Man, I think that’s the best advice you’ve ever given me. Much better than the time you told me to jump off the balcony at the beach to impress those girls. You just knew it was going to land me my first kiss.” We both laugh at that memory.

“It would have most definitely gotten you your first kiss if you hadn't landed wrong and broken your ankle.”

With a smirk on my face, I shake my head at the dumb shit we used to get ourselves into.

“Yeah, our parents were pissed. We were fucking idiots sometimes back then.”

“Shit, we still are,” he says, and we both just sit there, each reminiscing in our own ways as the fire crackles in front of us.

I remember the concern on Lo’s face when I had to go to the emergency room the night I broke my ankle. Me and her parents got back to the beach house around four in the morning and Sloan had fallen asleep on the couch trying to wait up for us. She was only eleven years old, but she acted like my little nurse—making sure I was well taken care of for the rest of the trip. I love her big tender heart, even if it’s probably what’s ultimately keeping her from me. Because of the love and loyalty she feels she owes to her sister… the same sister who I have also barely seen since that summer. The only time she ever acts normal is when we’re around Eli and our family. Other than that, Maddie ignores me.

Eli interrupts my thoughts. “I know we don’t get to see each other very often anymore, but you’re my best friend through thick and thin. I’m always here for you… Even if it’s to bitch about my sister,” he says light heartedly.

“Thanks brother… same to you.”

I stand up, looking out at the light snow falling from the sky. “Let’s go hit the ski slopes and take our minds off everything else.”

When I walk back into my room to get dressed, I notice a piece of paper right between the bed and nightstand. Picking it up, I immediately notice Lo’s handwriting from years of sitting around the Barton table doing homework together.


Words could never describe how amazing last night was… our connection was stronger than ever. I’m sorry to leave like this, but I just don’t think I can look at your handsome face and deny us yet again. But I am going to be transparent with you. When I left your room to shower this morning, the first person I saw was my sister and the pain etched across her face hurt my soul. A little while later, she showed me the article released from last weekend at the Emmys with you and Danni. The only reason I’m telling you this is because I don’t want you to see that article and think it’s the only reason I left. Do I love seeing you with another woman? No… but I know what happened between us last night was real, unlike what you see in the tabloids. More than that it upset me that Maddie felt the need to show me. That's. not who we are to each other… or at least it wasn’t. I wish more than anything things were different. You probably think that I ran out of here swallowed by regrets of last night, but I want you to know… need you to know, that is the furthest thing from the truth. I hate that I hurt my sister just like I hate myself for hurting you right now, but I will never regret what happened between us last night. I will relive it over and over again in my dreams.

-Your Thea

* * *



Cracking my eyes open… nope shutting them. It’s too bright.

Fuck, my head hurts.

Damn you Eli, for talking me into those Jager bombs. My mouth tastes like stale licorice this morning.

Wait, did I see long brown hair… When did Lo get here?

I reach over to pull her back into me. Burying my nose into her brunette locks, l love how she smells.



The fuck?

My eyes snap open when I realize that’s not the smell I’ve come to love so much.

The liquor from the night before burns the back of my throat as Maddie rolls over in my bed… in my fucking t-shirt.

“Wes, what the hell?” She screeches and that’s when I realize I’m pushing her off the bed.

“Maddie, what the fuck are you doing in my bed?” I say as I jump up, looking down I see that all my clothes are still on.

“Calm down…”