Page 30 of Reckless Abandon

“Wes, I… I can’t believe you have this. You don’t know how many times I’ve thought of that night.”

I can tell by her soft expression that she means every word, but I still answer honestly.

“There were many times I thought of it too, but part of me thought you forgot about that night and put it behind you. I’m not saying this to be a dick. I am just so fucking happy to have you back in my arms after all this time. Especially after Christmas… I was so unsure if we would ever get our timing right.”

She turns around, still in my arms, so we’re face-to-face and I see the regret in her expression.

“Wes, I’m so sorry about how Christmas ended. I honestly hadn’t talked to Liev in days. By then, I had already realized I was never going to really love him, not the way one is supposed to be loved, anyway. I’d started to pull away from him because I knew it was over but didn't want to be a total bitch and break up during the holidays. So when he showed up unannounced, it completely stunned me. I didn't mention anything to you because if I’m being honest, from the moment you walked into my house that day, I hadn’t thought about him one single time. We broke up after the New Year and by then I felt like you were so mad at me about what happened… I just didn’t think I could face your rejection.”

“Lo, I don’t think I could ever reject you. Was I hurt and a little pissed at you? Absolutely. But the minute I saw you in my bar, all the resentment I held about Christmas and it not being the turning point I hoped it would be went out the window,” I say, kissing the top of her head. “That morning felt like I was losing you all over again. But it doesn’t hurt to hear you acknowledging that you never really loved him, anyway,” I add with a small smile on my lips.

She gently rubs my cheeks. “Wesley, there was never a time when I truly left you behind. I know it may feel that way, and I don’t deserve your forgiveness for everything that’s happened over the years. It took me some time to realize that while trying to save everyone else’s feelings, I did nothing but hurt us. Once I came to terms with my own mistakes, I figured it was too late for us, but I never once left you behind completely. Trust me, you’ve been with me more than you know.”

“And I think it’s pretty obvious you have always been with me. Even when I didn’t mean to, I’ve subconsciously included you in every decision I’ve made. Down to the sun lounger on my patio.”

Running her fingers down my chest, she seductively whispers, “Ya know, we never did get to fully break in the one on the boat dock.”

“Don’t you worry. There will be plenty of time for me to break you in on every surface in this place.”

* * *

“Doyou have to do anything today? Is anyone expecting you?” I ask Sloan as we sit at my high top table eating the breakfast I made her.

“No, Blossom flew back to L.A. for her mom’s birthday and I only had plans with Quinnie and Ava last night. I met Mom and Maddie for dinner earlier this week when I first arrived. So, I’m all yours. I do kinda want to do the touristy thing, though. It’s been so long since I’ve really experienced the city,” she says and finishes off the bacon I made her…crispy,just like she likes it.

“That’s what I hoped you would say. What do you want to do? We can do whatever your little heart desires.” I give her a kiss on the cheek and gather our empty plates to put them in the dishwasher.

“Hmm, I don’t know… you decide. I want the Wesley King tour of NYC.”

“Sounds like a plan to me, but I have to talk to you about something first.” I can see the concern in her expression.

“So TMZ apparently still has a thing for me and got some pics of us last night. They didn’t get a clear shot and thought you were Danni, so they concocted this wild story that she and I are back together again.” Her expression begins to soften.

“Wes, I saw the article.” She lets out a big sigh. “But you know what? Someone once told me you can’t believe everything you read on the internet.” She winks, recalling something I said to her back when I first started showing up in the tabloids.

I walk over to the counter, grab my shades and slide them onto my face, and turn to her with a large smile across my face.

“Am I missing something?” she questions.

“These,” I point to my sunglasses, “are my Clark Kent disguises from the paps.”

She stifles a laugh with her hand.

“What, I’m serious... I’m no Brad Pitt, my face isn’tthatrecognizable, but these help me blend into the never-ending sea of people in Manhattan.”

She walks over to me and inspects my disguise. “So… this is going to help us blend in with the ‘common folk’?”

I nod.

“Okay then, lead the way Clark.” She laughs as she links her arm with mine.


Icouldn’t have asked for a better day roaming the city with Wes. Somehow, we managed to squeeze in almost everything I wanted to do. Of course, walking around with him by my side was the highlight of my day, but I’m not telling him that.

We started our day with a cruise around Liberty Island. It’s such a beautiful fall day that we were able to sit out on one of the viewing decks on the boat. The tour was quick, but we got to see the Statue of Liberty, the Brooklyn Bridge, and were able to get a gorgeous couple shot with the Manhattan Skyline behind us. I felt like such a kid in awe, peering over the railing and taking in all of Manhattan’s glory. I don’t know how much of the cruise Wes actually took in, since he was too busy trying to distract me by whispering dirty little things into my ear. Attempting to coax me into sneaking up to the top deck to fool around. Secretly loving the fact that he was desperate to touch me again.

After our boat tour we took an Uber to Central Park. In all my years, I’ve never been to the Central Park Zoo, so of course that was our first destination. The crowds were large, since we arrived right at feeding time. We roamed around the exhibits hand in hand, with huge smiles on our faces. We didn’t stay too long and made our way over to The Boathouse for lunch.