Page 26 of Reckless Abandon

Taking both our glasses with her, I stare at her backside as she disappears. I’ve never thought gingerbread men were sexy until I saw her ass covered in them.

Unable to sit still, I follow her into the kitchen.Those gingerbread cookies are calling my name.

Seeing Sloan standing in front of the liquor cabinet I used to raid every weekend only increases my need to touch her. All the memories… all the lingering looks and trying to avoid the temptation of my best friend’s little sister flash before my eyes.

Walking up behind her, I place my chin on her shoulder, feeling her tense before I say, “This is a nice change of events… you making me a drink for once.”

Relaxing into me, she turns her head in my direction. “You are so right. I didn’t even think about that. Do you still enjoy making cocktails like you used to?”

We’re so close I can feel her whiskey breath on my cheek. Wanting a taste of her so bad, I lick my lips trying to satisfy the need.

She watches me intently. “Yes, I do… so much so I just found a space in the city to open up my own bar.”

“Uh huh,” Sloan’s eyes still focused on my mouth until they snap up to mine. “Wait what?”

“Yep. Finish making those and I’ll tell you more. First, I have to get a cookie. I’m suddenly craving a gingerbread man.” Stepping back and looking at her pajama covered ass.

Lo chuckles, knowing exactly what I’m talking about. Swaying her hips a little harder on her way back into the living room.

The light from the Christmas tree and the fire shines across Sloan’s beautiful face as I plop down beside her on the loveseat. Taking the whiskey glass from her outstretched hand, I lean back and relax into the plush couch.

“Okay. So tell me about this bar? Are you not modeling anymore? When did you decide you wanted to do this?” Her excitement for me is palpable, and it takes me back to a different time. I’m not sure what I did to deserve it, but she’s always believed I could do anything I wanted.

“Sorry, I’m just surprised but so thrilled for you, Wes.”

Rubbing her knee where her pants cover her lightning bolt shaped scar I say, “Don’t apologize, you can ask me anything. I want to tell you everything… I’m tired of being in the spotlight and the expectations that come with modeling. The paparazzi are ruthless and I never have any privacy. They will print anything just to get a story out there, even if it’s not true. It was an awesome experience, and it has given me a lot in life, but it was never my end game. So, I have one more job booked with Calvin Klein and after that, I’m done.”

“Ladies across the world will be sad to see you go. But I’m so happy for you. I always knew modeling wouldn’t satisfy you for long.”

“Yeah, definitely not. If anything, it leaves me feeling empty.”

Or maybe that’s just not having you in my life.

“But I am thankful it gave me the funds and connections to invest in something that I know will bring me fulfillment.”

“Absolutely. You’ve gotten to experience things some people could never even imagine because of your modeling career. This is great though. I’m so proud of you for going after what you want,” she says, resting her hand on top of mine.

“Thanks Lo. I’m proud of you too.” With a devilish smirk across my face, I say, “Speaking of… can I make a confession?”

She blushes. “Oh geez… don’t tell me you’ve been reading my blog.”

Grinning from ear to ear, I nod my head “Oh yeah, baby.”

She smacks my arm playfully.

“That last one especially. It makes me sweat just thinking about it,” I say as I pretend to wipe sweat from my brows.

“My top three turn-ons,” she whispers the title to her latest blog.

Leaning past her to put my whiskey glass on the end table, I take advantage of our proximity.

“One, you like to be watched.” I begin recalling her desires from memory. I only read the post about twenty times.

Tracing my fingers along her wrist, I inwardly groan, thinking about her next confession.

“Two, you like to be tied up.”

“Three.” Brushing my mouth across her neck, I whisper, “You like to be kissed right here.”