Page 10 of Reckless Abandon

“Yeah, you were in your own world over here. You good?”

“Me… pshhh… you know me. I’m great, better than great.” I grin tipsily while shifting in my seat.

Why do I turn into a blundering mess around him? Granted, this beautiful man is now semi-famous and has girls falling at his feet, but deep down he’s still the same Wesley King. Down to earth, fun-loving, and loyal as hell. He’s the same guy who’s been around since we were kids, the one who protected me from the mean kids on the bus. Helped fix up my cuts and bruises. Also, the one who scared the ever-loving shit out of any potential high school boyfriends. His presence has been irrevocably woven into my life, and not in that brotherly type of way. God no, that’s gross to think of, especially since I know what his luscious lips taste like and what his hands feel like on my body. Ugh, I have the sudden urge to suck on that gorgeous bottom lip of his and hear him groan into my mouth…

Get a grip Sloan, it’s just Wesley and you both know it was a one-time thing, a fluke, and it can never happen again. But damn, he sure is beautiful…

“Ahem.” He clears his throat once more and I can’t stop the smirk that spreads across my face. “Lo, did I lose you again?” Wes laughs out.

“Ha! I’m sorry, I’m just distracted.”

“What has your pretty mind so preoccupied?”

You… your presence, your intoxicating smell. I want to mount you and devour your perfect lips. No! Can’t say that. Think, think…

“Must be the tequila.”

We both laugh and settle into a buzzed trance, listening to the party that surrounds us. My eyes keep drifting in his direction, then quickly darting away when they connect with his. Wes is the first to break our silence.

“So… what’s new? Haven’t seen you in a bit.”

“Oh, you know, same ol’ same ol’. Getting ready to graduate, preparing for NYU in the fall.”

“Ah yes, that’s exciting. I know you’re going to do great. You and Quinn are going to cause quite the scene there.” He laughs. “Where’s your boyfriend going?” I shoot him a puzzled look.How does he know about Liev?Sensing my confusion, he quickly adds, “Eli mentioned you have a boyfriend. Uh… Leaf, I think he said.”

I can’t stop the very unladylike laugh that bubbles out. “Ihada boyfriend, and his name was Liev.”


“Yes, we broke up a few weeks ago. It was for the best, honestly,” I reply while biting my lip, knowing damn well that Liev is the furthest thing from my mind right now.

“What about you? What hot-shot actress is on your arm this week?” I blurt out quickly, wanting to change the subject.Geez, thank you tequila for removing my filter.

Clearing his throat, he leans back in his chair as he ponders his response. “Ugh, Wes… I’m sorry. That came out wrong.”

“No no, I get it. Remember, don’t believe everything you see on the internet. A lot of the pictures and articles posted are not what they seem.”

“Sooo you haven’t been with the fifteen different women you’ve been pictured with this year?” My verbal vomit clearly has no desire to stop at this point.Great, now I look like a crazy jealous stalker chick.I can’t help it. The thought of him with all those gorgeous women sends flares of jealousy through me.

“Is someone keeping tabs on me?” he teases with a bright smile as I shrink into my seat, hoping this is all a tequila induced dream.

I groan and put my head in my hands. Peeking at him through my fingers, I mutter, “It’s not like that, your face is everywhere on the internet… I just so happen to take notice.” He doesn’t have to know about the google alerts I have set for his name.

“Ha! Suuure you do. But if you must know, my agent set me up with most of them, hoping they would help boost my image. Majority of the women drop my arm as soon as we walk through the entrance of whatever event we’re attending together.”

Wes busts out laughing at my “yeah, that’s bullshit” face. His hands shoot up in defense. “No, I’m serious Lo, I’ve only hooked up with a few of them.” His need to explain his sexual exploits or lack thereof brings a sly smirk to my face.He cares about my opinion of him.

“Just making sure. Someone needs to keep your ass in check.” I wink, hoping to get the subject off my stalkerish tendencies.

Wes’s laugh slows as he stares out at the party. Moments later, I hear him mumbling something under his breath. I know I’m tipsy, but did he just say what I think he said?

“Uh… what was that big guy? I couldn’t hear you,” I joke with him. His demeanor switches from confidently stunning to shy and uncertain within moments. So very Un-Wesley King like.

“I said… I’m glad you’re keeping tabs on me.” He flashes me the cutest smile I’ve ever seen. He always portrays such confidence and right now, he looks like a shy boy seeking validation. What I would give to be able to climb into his lap and kiss away his uncertainty.

“Oh, you are, are you?”

“Of course I am, you know that. You mean something to me. Always have. More tha—” He’s unable to finish his sentence because Quinn’s shriek fills the air.More than what damnit!I love my friend dearly, but right now, her timing sucks. Looking up, I see my best friend skipping her way across the lawn.