“He dumped me.” I choked on the last word.
Gemma immediately dropped to the floor and wrapped me tightly in her arms. Her sugary smell from the bakery she owned filled my senses. Until that moment, I didn’t know how much I needed a comforting hug.
“Oh, Kennedy,” she whispered in my ear. “That tool doesn’t deserve you. You hear me, Kens?”
I nodded furiously and swallowed, trying to keep the tears at bay. Gemma and I met two years ago through Justin. At the time, I was dating someone from work, though if I were honest with myself, that relationship started to end as soon as I was pulled into Justin’s orbit. At a team function I attended with my parents, Gemma settled into a chair next to me and, without preamble, asked,You’re falling in love with him, huh?I hadn’t yet admitted it to myself, and definitely not to Justin, but this stranger intuitively knew, without me having to say anything at all, like so many other things since. I loved her for it.
I said nothing, continuing to breathe evenly, trying to get myself under control. By the time she pulled back, my emotions were sufficiently tamped down.
“You’re in the perfect place for a rebound.” Gemma nudged me, smiling devilishly.
“You’re joking, right? All I can think about is how my boyfriend was just FedExed to Florida and left me behind, but you think I’ll meet a guy. You do realize most men at this party are on the team?”
Gemma raised an eyebrow. “So what?”
“I’m done with dating, but if I weren’t, the last place I would look for a date is the Palmer City Wolves season-opening party.” I muscled my way to my feet, my half-empty champagne bottle dangling at my side. “I only came here to yell at my dad, but—surprise, surprise—he ran from me as well.”
“Kens,” Gemma called, following me as I speedwalked out of the room.
I paused at the hallway entrance and scanned the room for my father, but I didn’t see him in the continually growing crowd.
“I’m worried about you,” she said.
I gulped from the champagne bottle. “I’m fine.”
Gemma’s lips drew into a thin line. She doubted me, as she should. I lost my tolerance when I stopped drinking alcohol in solidarity with Justin—all part of his plan for NHL domination. To say I was feeling it was an understatement.
I wiped the champagne from my mouth with the back of my hand before plastering on a big fake smile.
“Do you want to get out of here?” she asked. Gemma had drunk only carrot juice for the last three days to stun in this dress. No way would I make her leave because I couldn’t hold myself together.
“No, but I’m going to get some air.”
She smiled. “Great idea. I’ll come with you.”
I shook my head. “I’ll be fine. You stay. Enjoy the party.”
“You look like you could use a drink.” Matt Harris muttered the words beside my ear as he nodded to the men standing in front of us. Investors in the team, but I committed barely anything they said to memory. Now I wasn’t sure that it had been a bad thing that no other coach had ever invited me to their home. After I met with Erik and Cale, I spent most of an hour making boring small talk and sneaking glances at my watch.
“Excuse me,” I announced to the men, then followed Matt toward the bar.
“Oh, hello boys,” Gemma said as we approached. She held out a beer to Matt, which he accepted and quickly brought to his lips. I declined since I didn’t drink much during the season, something I regretted in situations like this. When Matt finished downing his beer, he gripped her waist and pulled her to him. She feigned annoyance, saying something about being in public, but she eventually gave in to a kiss so intense, I had to look away.
Lucky bastard.
“Alexei, I want to introduce you to someone,” Gemma said, bringing my attention back to them.
Matt rested his chin on Gemma’s head. “Gem, come on, not tonight.”
At least I wasn’t the only poor unfortunate soul Gemma had taken on as a pet project. She’d already brought me to their home for dinner and sprung one of her friends on me.Just want you to meet some people in the area.
Yeah, Gemma, my ass you did. Most people didn’t know why my engagement to Cora ended, and they probably thought the worst. I shared the story with Matt and Gemma to explain why I didn’t want to be set up. And even though it happened six months ago, Gemma still acted like I was on the verge of a breakdown at any moment, and only a romantic relationship could save me.
“I think they’d get along,” she argued.
“Gemma.” Matt and Gemma stared at each other for a while; it looked like an entire conversation was taking place. Fucking weird. “Do not meddle inthisway.”