Page 17 of A Bossy Affair

“Yup,” my sister said, stretching and yawning. “Got in late. Drank too much. Slept here.”

“Ahh yes,” I said. “Home.”

“Hey,” she said, slurring just a touch. Maybe she wasn’t completely sobered up yet. “I also wanted to be the first one to wish you good luck at your job.”

She smiled the goofy smile of someone who had a few too many glasses of wine, which for my sister was probably only about two, and I rolled my eyes.

“Thanks, sis,” I said.

“Sistah, Sistah,” she said, holding out her pinky.

I hooked it with my own and then took a sip of the coffee. It was all I could do not to spit it out. “Oh, what the fuck is this?”

“Hmm?” Lena asked, already lying back down on the couch.

“This coffee,” I said. “it’s awful.”

“That’s because its tea,” Mom said from the hallway.

“Oh, shit, sorry, Mom,” I said. “Didn’t mean to wake you up.”

“It’s fine,” she said, coming down the stairs. “Since the fire and your father passing away, I don’t sleep much in the mornings.”

A pang of sadness clenched my heart and I nodded.

“Alright, well, I should get going,” I said. “I need to hit the train.”

“Don’t wear heels while you run,” Mom said. “Put on your sneakers.”

“Yes, Mom, already on it,” I said, holding up my heels in my hand while I modeled the black sneakers on my feet. “I look like an idiot, but I won’t fall on my face.”

“Good,” she said. “I’ll never get over that.”

“Goodbye, Ma,” I said, already heading to the door. I couldn’t hang out and listen to the story about her tripping in her heels and chipping a tooth again. It happened thirty years ago. I had heard the story at least twice every year of my life, and many, many more times once I hit my mid-teens.

“Bye then,” Mom said as I slipped out of the door. I caught one last glimpse of Lena, happily asleep on the couch like she had never gotten past fourteen.

By the time I actually got to the office, I was almost late. It was five-fifty, way too close of a call, and I ran inside still in my sneakers. Mostly, the offices were empty, just a few cleaning crew folks and a couple of shut office doors that were clearly occupied. Hunter’s office was shut, but the door to the mini office was unlocked.

I opened it up, put my bag down, and changed shoes first thing. I wanted to look good on my first day. Not because my boss was an incredibly sexy man who I had just had an incredible dream about fucking, but because I was a professional.


Or something like that.

As I took a look around the tiny office, I sighed. I was going to have to find a way to make this work. If nothing else so I could get a place closer and not live with Mom. And not have to commute from Southie all the time.

If I did, maybe it wouldn’t even be like I was back in Boston at all.



Iwas putting her through the paces, and by ten in the morning had arrived at the breaking point of at least two of her predecessors.

But she kept on ticking.

Honestly, it was impressive. I was intentionally being a lot, making her run back and forth on errands that could be accomplished with a text message or an email, but she didn’t blink. She didn’t offer to change my mind about how the message could be delivered. She didn’t complain. She just went. Go, go, go. As fast as those heels could take her, she was off to do my bidding and back with a smile, and an energetic “what’s next?” attitude.