“Are you fucking serious right now?”

The three of us twisted toward the commotion. River and Zane stood in front of Corey and Ray, their eyes blazing with fury.

“Back off,” Ray barked.

“Why the fuck should we?” River taunted.

“You obviously don’t give a shit about us. Why should we listen to you?” Zane’s voice dripped with contempt.

“You’ll listen to us if you want to keep your fucking jobs,” Corey snapped.

“Woooooow,” Dash said. “You’re really going to threaten to fire us after you let those assholes go?”

“Everyone who’s not in the back room in one minute is fired,” Ray snarled.

Kai spun back toward me, his eyes serious. “Nick, can you get the kit while I help Gray?”

“I’m fine.” I tried to stand but Kai pushed me down before I could do more than get my unhurt arm under me.

“You’re not.” He wrapped his arm around my waist and lifted me off the ground.

As much as I wanted to refuse his help, I was grateful for it. I couldn’t stand up straight because the pain from being winded hadn’t fully faded, and my knee felt like an oiled hinge and kept buckling every time I put weight on it.

Kai held me tight and half walked, half dragged me to the back door. He helped me onto the closest bench. I put my head in my hand as everyone spoke at once.

“Gray?” Zane knelt in front of me, his voice uncharacteristically soft. “What hurts?”

“Lots of stuff.”

He pursed his lips. “What exactly?”

“My arm and wrist.” I cradled the hurt appendage closer. “And my knee.”

“Did you get winded?”


“Did they get your ribs?”


He tipped my chin up so my face was angled into the overhead light. “Did you get knocked out? What happened to your head?”

“I think one of them threw a bottle at me. It’s fine. I didn’t pass out or anything. Just got disoriented.”

“Is he okay?” River came to kneel next to his twin.

“He needs to go to the hospital.”

“No, I don’t.”

“That gash on your head might need stitches. And you need an X-ray on your arm.”

My gaze fell to my wrist. It was swollen and red. Angry purple bruises were already blooming on my skin.

“It’s nothing.”

River rolled his eyes. “Don’t be an idiot. We’ll drive you.”