Page 31 of Stepbrother Dearest

“No, but you’re a head-injury patient and you need lots of rest so your brain and body can heal.”

“I hate this,” he groused.

“Come on.”

He didn’t protest as I got him out of his chair and helped him upstairs.

“I have to...” He indicated the door to my bathroom.

I got him into the bathroom and tried to give him as much privacy as possible as I helped him do what he needed to. He was just one of hundreds, if not thousands, of patients I’d done this for in my career. But to him, I was his asshole stepbrother he was completely reliant on. This had to be a struggle for him.

When he was done, I got him into bed and put his phone on the bedside table.

“Try not to use this unless you have to. Screens will only make things worse.”

“Kay.” He rolled over and hugged my body pillow.

“I have to go out and pick up a few things. Call if you need anything. And call 911 if you experience any of the warning signs Dr. Carlisle told you about.”

He mumbled something about the cost of an ambulance.

“Graham, I’m serious. Call 911 if you have to. I’ll be gone an hour, tops.”

He didn’t answer.

I left him to sleep and checked his pulse through the watch app on my phone. It was higher than I liked, but nowhere near tachycardia. That was something, at least.

* * *

Graham slept on and off for the next twenty-four hours. I woke him to give him his pain meds and made sure he ate and drank. I also checked his blood pressure on a regular schedule.

Sloane: how’s babysitting duty?

I kicked my feet up on the chaise portion of my couch.

Caleb: if I were having any more fun I’d be twins

Sloane: I don’t think the world is ready for two of you

Caleb: true. I’m like the highlander - there can be only one

Sloane: nerd

Caleb: who’s the one who made me watch every episode of enterprise with them?

Sloane: that’s cause the actors who played trip and t’pol are hot. Even you were jonesing for them to get together

Caleb: yeah, I’ll give you that

Caleb: better than being forced to watch the vampire diaries

Sloane: like you didn’t drool over the Salvatore brothers

Sloane: and you made me watch scorpion when you knew it ended on a cliffhanger. I’m still not over that

Caleb: sorry not sorry

Sloane: you’re an evil nerd