Energy buzzed under my skin as I put my tips away and pulled on my jeans, a tee, socks and shoes. I had about an hour before the big finale where we all got on stage for one last routine. Then I could get some sleep.

“Heading outside?” Dash, one of the newer dancers, opened his locker and dug around for something.


He slammed the door shut, a pack of cigarettes in his hand. “Same.”

“You might want to put some clothes on.” I eyed his tiny athletic shorts and sheer tank top as we headed toward the door that led to the back of the club.

He snickered. “That’s probably the first time someone has told me to put my clothes on since I started working here.”

Chuckling, I shoved the door open. “Yeah, well being naked on stage and naked outside are two different things.”

“I’m not naked.” He darted ahead of me. “I’m partially dressed.”

I tested the door to make sure it wouldn’t lock us out, then let it close.

The smell of cigarette smoke wafted around us as we leaned against the wall. The night was cool, but the lack of wind made the air heavy and humid.

“You know that stuff will kill you.” Resting my head against the rough bricks, I closed my eyes. I liked Dash, but it would have been nice to have a few moments alone.

“Probably. But between the microplastics in our water and climate change, I doubt I’ll be around long enough for it to matter. Carpe diem, am I right?”

“Fair point.”

We lapsed into silence. Thankfully Dash seemed to sense I wasn’t in the mood to chat.

The screech of tires and a slamming car door rang out in the quiet night. Loud voices filtered toward us. I opened my eyes.

“What the fuck?” Dash gave me a sharp look as a woman’s voice joined the others.

I opened my mouth to tell him I had no idea what was going on but snapped my head toward the front of the building when someone screamed.

“Shit!” Dash stubbed out his cigarette against the brick. “What do we do?”

Another scream, then loud sobs permeated the air. A male voice shouted, but I couldn’t make out the words.

“Stay behind me.” I took off toward the front of the building.

The scene that greeted us was something out of a movie. A car was half on the sidewalk, the motor running and the doors flung open. Three men huddled together near the car, looking unsteady and holding beer bottles. Another man stood a few feet away, but it was the woman in front of him who drew my attention.

She was crying and begging him to let her go. Either the asshole was too drunk or so enraged he didn’t seem to care that he was shaking her like a glowstick as he shouted obscenities at her.

Dash gripped my arm. I stepped in front of him as one of the guys near the car noticed us.

“There’s two of them!” he shouted, the words slurring together.

The man who’d been accosting the woman shoved her hard enough she stumbled backward and fell to the ground.

“Eek!” Dash shrieked as the man and one of his buddies raced toward us.

“Get Biggs and the others.” I shook off his hand and stepped forward, putting myself between him and the guys. Dash had a mouth on him, but he wouldn’t stand a chance in a fight against two drunk assholes.

The slapping of shoes against the asphalt told me he’d listened. Now I just needed to keep them busy until the bouncers came to help.

“Fucking pretty boys think they can steal our women,” one man slurred and lunged at me.

I wanted to tell him that I wasn’t interested in their, or any, women, but kept my mouth shut and focused on dodging their fists.