Page 142 of Stepbrother Dearest

Caleb loved me, and we were boyfriends. I had no idea how the fuck it had happened, but now that it had, I was never letting him go.



“Areyou sure this is a good idea?” Caleb gripped my hand hard.

“I’m positive.” I paused walking and looked at him. “Everyone knows I’m gay.”

“It’s not the gay part I’m worried about. It’s themepart.”

“They’re going to love you.” I pressed a kiss against his lips. We’d officially been together for three weeks now, and I still felt a little thrill every time I kissed him in public.

“But…” He bit his lip.

“You’re not responsible for what happened between my mom and sperm donor,” I said quietly. “No one is going to blame you or think badly of you because of who your mom is. Her choices aren’t yours. Russ’s choices aren’t yours.”

“Maybe. But how can your mom look at me and not see the kid of the woman who broke up her relationship? Who took the father of her kids away?”

“Your mom didn’t break anything and she didn’t take our father away.Hedid that. He’s the abusive asshole who abandoned his kids. My family would never hold that against you.”

“Is the stepbrother thing going to be an issue?”

He’d already asked me that multiple times over the past few weeks, which was a testament to how nervous he was.

“Nope. It might be different if we’d grown up together or had spent any significant time together as kids, but we were essentially strangers when you walked into my treatment room.”

“I don’t know why I’m freaking out.” He lifted his free hand. “I’m literally shaking right now.”

“It’ll be fine. Just be yourself.”

He let me pull him along, and I pushed open the door to Cravings, a café on the west side of town.

“Gray!” A little blond figure streaked across the café and launched himself into my arms.

I managed to let go of Caleb’s hand just in time to catch my little brother. “Hey, kiddo.”

He hugged me tight.

“Don’t forget about me.” A tiny finger poked me in the leg.

I shifted Henry onto one hip and peered down at my little sister. “I could never forget about you.” I leaned down and scooped Harper up.

She shot Henry a triumphant look and wrapped her skinny arms around my neck.

“Is that your boyfriend?” Henry asked, staring at Caleb in fascination.

“It is. Henry, Harper, this is Caleb.”

Caleb waved adorably, his eyes shy and his cheeks pink. “Hi.”

Henry wiggled off me and slid down to the floor. “You’re sooooo tall.” He craned his neck to look up at Caleb. “Do you play basketball?”

Caleb knelt so he was at Henry’s level. “I don’t, no.”

“You should. I bet you could dunk.” He looked between us. “Are you going to get married?”

Caleb managed to keep a straight face, but I knew mine reflected the jolt of shock that shot through me. I loved Caleb, and I wanted a future with him, but marriage? It was too soon to even be thinking about that.