Page 131 of Stepbrother Dearest

The fact that we were stepbrothers added layers of complication to our already weird relationship. It didn’t matter that we’d essentially been strangers before that night in the ER, the social stigma of our familial connection would always be there.

Usually, I didn’t give a flying fuck what people thought of me, but us being together could have far reaching complications, especially for Graham.

Was he ready to come out to his dad? Was I ready to lose my mom if Russ lost his shit at learning that his son was not only gay, but datingme?

What about Graham’s mom? How would she feel knowing that he was with the child of her ex’s mistress? She had to dislike me just on principle, right?

“I had fun tonight,” he said softly, breaking me free from my spiral of confusion.

“Yeah, me too.” I cleared my throat. “Happy birthday.”

He stopped walking and glanced around.

I paused, confused.

He leaned in and pressed a gentle kiss against my lips. “Thank you.”

The kiss was quick and sweet, more of a brushing of lips than a kiss, but the fact that we were outside and Graham had initiated it made my stomach flutter with something I couldn’t quite place.

“Is your landlady back?” I asked.


“Want to come over?”

He looked me up and down. “Yeah.”

“Where did you park?”

He pointed down the street. “That way.”

“I’m that way.” I waved toward a paid lot in the opposite direction. “Meet you there?”

“Can’t wait.” He kissed me again and darted off down the street.

I glanced at my watch. I was going to be tired as fuck tomorrow, but whatever. That was what caffeine was for.



Twenty minuteslater I pulled my front door open and stepped aside so Graham could come in.


He closed the door behind him. “Hey.”

We stood in silence for a moment.

“Why did you invite me to dinner? For real?” he asked.

“I didn’t like the idea of you spending your birthday alone. And I wanted to see you.”

He nodded slowly.

“Why’d you accept?”

“I wanted to see you,” he echoed. He tilted his head thoughtfully. “Are we on a date?”