Page 12 of Stepbrother Dearest

I yanked my gaze from the tiny blue briefs that barely contained his dick and showed off every detail of it from his flared head to the vein running down his length. Now was not the time to be looking at anyone in a way that wasn’t completely medical.

“Can you sit on the bed?”

He nodded, his cheeks flushing pink as he sat. He winced and cradled his arm close to his stomach, his shoulders hunched, eyes tight.

“Let’s get this on you so you don’t get cold.” Shaking out the johnny, I held it up for him. He slid his good arm through, and I tucked the ends around him to close it.

“Are you in pain?” I asked.

“I got my ass beat. What do you think?”

“Describe it to me.”

“My arm and wrist hurt. It’s a sharp pain. My knee too. It’s more like a constant ache, but it really hurts when I move it or try to put any weight on it.”

I tugged his jeans down his legs, mindful of his hurt knee. The oil on his skin had dried to the point it was tacky and the denim kept snagging.

“Ow.” He jerked away as I tried to peel the jeans over his knees.

The right one was visibly swollen, and the denim was pulled tight around it.

“I’m going to have to cut these off.”

“Just pull hard and fast. I can take it.”

“Yeah…not how nursing works. I kinda took an oath saying I wouldn’t do harm to my patients. Exacerbating an injury would fall under doing harm.”

“How the fuck am I supposed to leave here with no pants?”

“We can give you scrubs to wear home.”

He opened his mouth like he was going to protest, but I gave him my bestlisten herenurse look.

“I need to get these off you, and without knowing what kind of injury we’re dealing with, the safest way is to cut them off.”

“Fine.” His throat worked as he swallowed.

Tearing my eyes from his neck, I got a pair of scissors from the supply cupboard and carefully cut up the length of the right leg of his pants, starting at the bottom. When the jeans were off, I set them and the scissors aside.

“I’m going to check your knee and your arm now,” I told him. I tried to always give my patients a heads-up before I did any sort of exam or touched them.

He nodded curtly.

Beyond the obvious swelling, his entire knee was mottled with bruises and the skin underneath was red.

“How did this happen?”

“I got kicked.”

“Which direction? From the side, front?”

“Side. Outside.”

“Did you feel anything weird on impact?”

“A pop.”

I asked him to do certain movements and describe how they felt. His answers sounded like an ACL injury. But I’d have to wait for the doc to come in and confirm.