“There’s a gas station a few blocks away.” He peered over his shoulder again. “Wait. Is that…” He stopped walking.
He dropped the phone so all I could see was the leg of his jeans.
“The fuck, dude?” he asked, out of breath.
Someone answered him, but all I could hear was the low rumble of a male voice.
“Nick? Are you okay? The fuck is happening?”
His face filled the screen again. “Sorry, all good. False alarm.”
“What do you mean? Were you being followed?”
“Yeah, but it’s no big deal. Just someone being annoying,” he said pointedly to whoever was off camera. He turned his attention back to me. “I’m okay. I just have to deal with this.”
“Deal with what?”
“Nothing.” He blew me a kiss. “Thanks, babes.”
The screen went dark.
The hell was that about? Nick had been acting extra squirrelly the past month. We still chatted daily and saw each other at work, but something was different. He wasn’t nearly as open about things, never asked to hang out, and was always rushing off to some place or another.
Something was going on with him. Nick was entitled to his secrets, but he usually told me everything and constantly asked for advice or needed me to listen while he ranted about whatever was on his mind.
He was my closest friend, and it killed me that he’d obviously found someone he’d rather talk to than me.
My phone chimed. I looked down at the screen.
Caleb: does your offer still stand?
Graham: yes
Caleb: be there soon
I scrolled through the texts we’d exchanged today, still not sure what was happening. I’d spent most of last night worried about him and wondering if he was okay. I’d texted him in the morning to check in, and somehow that had evolved into a day-long conversation.
Graham: how are you feeling?
Caleb: not great tbh
Graham: do you need some company tonight?
Caleb: I didn’t sleep well. I’d probably just end up falling asleep on you
Graham: that’s fine
Caleb: it’ll be late by the time I get there
Graham: still not seeing a problem
Caleb: if you’re sure
Graham: text me when you’re on your way