Page 98 of Stepbrother Dearest

I lifted my eyes and met his concerned gaze. “Why are you being so nice?”

“Because contrary to what you believe, I’m not a total asshole. You’re obviously going through something and you were there for me when I needed help. Guess I can put my big-boy pants on and be there for you too.”

The corner of my mouth pulled up in a tiny smile, the first one I’d managed in hours.

“Shocking, I know. But I’m actually a pretty nice guy when I’m not being a dick. Have you eaten?”

“Not yet.”


I nodded.

“I was just finishing up cooking when you texted.” He waved for me to follow him. “Come on. I’ll make us a couple of plates.”

Dumbfounded, I followed him through the massive house and to the kitchen. He pointed to a seat at the island.

I slid into it. “Why are you feeding me?”

He went to the fridge. “Because you seem like you could use some company right now.”

“Yeah. I really could.” I sighed and rolled my shoulders.

“Any allergies or dietary restrictions?”


Graham puttered around the space, moving from the stove to the fridge and counters with all the grace and confidence of someone who knew their way around a kitchen.

The smell of fresh bread and something savory filled my senses. My stomach growled, reminding me that I hadn’t consumed anything except coffee in the last fourteen hours.

Graham smirked as he brought a huge plate of sliced bread to the island.

My mouth watered. “Jesus that smells good. What is it?”

“Rosemary and sea salt focaccia.” He put down two shallow bowls of oil and vinegar mixed with what looked like fresh herbs. “Dig in while I get the rest ready.”

I grabbed a slice of bread and broke off a manageable bite. “The rest?”

“You think I’m only feeding you bread for dinner?” He quirked his eyebrow playfully. “Give me more credit than that.”

I dipped the bread in the oil-and-vinegar mix and popped it into my mouth.

“Holy shit, G. Where did you get this?”

He chuckled and stirred something in a giant pan. “I made it.”

“Youmadeit?” I said around my full mouth.

He shot me a sly grin over his shoulder. “Yup. Now don’t fill up too much.”

“No promises. You put bread in front of me and I take that as a personal challenge.”

I’d just finished my third slice when Graham brought two plates to the island.

“Greek stuffed chicken with spinach, tomatoes, feta, and black olives.”

The food not only smelled amazing, it was also perfectly plated and looked like something out of a magazine.