Page 96 of Stepbrother Dearest


He nodded. “We get better tips when customers see we’re aroused. Boners happen when you’re rubbing up on someone, but not every time. And getting them on stage is a mental battle most days. A lot of people don’t understand that this is a job. We’re focusing on a dozen things every time we dance. It’s not personal when we don’t get hard, but it can feel that way to our customers.”

“I never thought about that. How do you deal with it?”

“I picture hot guys and thank the universe I’m young enough I can still conjure boners on demand.”

I chuckled. My hands itched to run over his skin. Under the lights, the gold body glitter made him look like a marble statue brought to life. It emphasized every dip and curve of his incredible physique and played into his golden-boy good looks.

“Kind of nice I didn’t have to pretend for my first one.” His gaze fell to my mouth, then flicked back up to my eyes.

“How did you know I was here?”

“I saw you when I was doing my set.” He grinned impishly. “You think I don’t zero in on the dudes in the audience?” He leaned closer. “The boner I had on stage. That was because of you.”

My brain stuttered and I made a sound that was part cough, part grunt.

He slipped off my lap and smiled ruefully. “Time to get back to work.”

I fumbled in my pocket for the cash Sloane had shoved into it. “How much do I owe you?”

“Nothing.” His smile dropped. “That was on the house.”

“What if I want to give it to you as a tip? Not sure how comfortable I am getting up on that tiny-ass stage in front of everyone, but I’ll do it after your next set if you prefer.”

He smirked, his confidence back in spades. “Now that would be entertaining. But I think we can have more fun in private.”

“You’re killing me.”

“Good.” His eyes glittered with mischief. “Go ahead, then. Tip me.” The challenge in his voice was clear. I fucking loved it.

I held a folded bill between two fingers. Keeping eye contact, I gently touched the corner of the bill to the center of his chest, between his impressive pecs.

His breathing hitched, and I slowly, deliberately, glided the bill down his body. I paused, my hand hovering over his waistband. His nostrils flared as he exhaled. I tucked the bill into the front of his briefs. The tips of my fingers brushed his cock. I pulled my hand free, barely containing my grin when he groaned.

Since I didn’t have cleavage, I slipped the other bill into the waistband of my low-rise jeans.

Graham dropped to his knees.

I couldn’t look away as he leaned forward and teasingly pulled the bill free with his teeth. As he did, he angled his chin so it grazed my cock. I was so hard it felt like I’d been kicked, and the pulse that shot through my balls at the contact was both incredible, and painful.

Graham stood. We paused, frozen and chest to chest in the tiny booth.

The smooth voice of the DJ came over the speakers, breaking whatever spell we’d fallen under.

“Gotta get out there.” He stepped back.

“Yeah. Gotta get back to Sloane.” I cleared my throat.

He yanked the curtain open. The influx of light and sound shattered the little bubble of privacy we’d had. I followed him out of the booth, my head spinning.

The next dancer had started his routine. I didn’t recognize the song, but the quick tempo and soulful lyrics were catchy.

I sat in my chair, confused and more than a little dazed.

Sloane pushed a full beer toward me, her face full of concern.

I picked up the glass and took a sip, not tasting it, as my head swam with unanswered questions. Instead of driving myself crazy, I focused on the stage and the dancer working it.