Page 62 of Stepbrother Dearest

“Are you gonna stay?” His upper body twisted so he was facing me. “I know this isn’t supposed to be a forever job, but I like it here. I don’t want to quit.”

“Me either. I’m staying. I’ll make it work somehow.”

Nick beamed at me. “Awesome!”

“You two should just get together already,” JJ cut in.

Nick and I both turned to her.

“What?” Nick asked.

“You and Gray. You should just get together and be done with it.”

Nick looked at me. The horror on his face echoed my own feelings.

“Ew.” Nick shuddered.

“Oh, burn,” River crowed. “Damn, Gray. Shots fired.”

“All good.” I ruffled Nick’s hair. He squeaked and elbowed me in the stomach. “It’s an ew from me too.”

JJ rolled her eyes. “Sure it is. One day we’re going to find you two going at it in the back room.”

“Gross.” I made a face. “Nick’s like a brother to me.”

“And as a fellow bi, you should know that two queer besties doesn’t mean there’s anything between them. I love this guy, but not like that.” Nick glanced at me. “Yeah, nope. That’s a big ick from me.”

“Double ick.”

River looked between us. “You’re both blond.”

Every head in the room swiveled toward him.

“Seriously? Youjustnoticed?” Kai said.

“No. I mean, yes.” River rolled his eyes. “I mean I obviously knew that. But I just noticed it and that’s cute.”

“Translation?” Kai asked Zane.

“He knew they were blond but it just clicked that they’d look like little golden-haired angels boning.”

“What he said.” River pointed at his brother.

“Little?” I scoffed.

Nick snickered. “Your brain is funny.”

River winked.

“I’m not little,” I protested.

“Sure you’re not, kiddo.” Zane’s tone was playful, but his face was as blank as always.

“Fuck off with that. You’re only a few years older than me. And I’m bigger than the both of you.”

“Are you really?” River grinned.

The twins and I were the same height. I was more cut, but they were just as heavily muscled as I was. It was a toss-up which one of us was actually bigger.