Page 59 of Stepbrother Dearest

I chuckled, but even I could tell it was forced. “True.”

“Come on. I’ll get Aimee to bring us some lattes and the good muffins from that shop on Bayview.”

“Did I mention your girlfriend is my favorite person?”

Snickering, she pushed the door open. “Good to know you can be bought with lattes and muffins.”

“Name a single nurse who can’t,” I countered.

“Hey, Meryl,” Sloane called out to the most senior nurse on our shift.

“What?” she called back, not looking up from the chart she was reading.

“Who do you like better, me or Caleb?”


“What if I brought you a vanilla latte and a double chocolate explosion muffin?”

“Still Caleb, unless you make it a caramel latte.” She looked up. “So, when’s my delivery?”

“And mine,” Lorelei called from the desk.

“Me too,” Mark, another nurse, piped up.

“Rookie mistake.” I laughed and patted Sloane on the shoulder. “Hope Aimee’s in a good mood tonight.”

“I’m going to owe her a trip to Sephora and a nail appointment for this.” She pulled her phone out of her pocket. “What do you guys want?”

Still chuckling, I left Sloane and the swarm of nurses, CNAs, and porters who now circled her.



I didn’t knowwhat to feel as I walked into the club at a few minutes to six for the meeting. Most of the staff was already there and were milling around the bar.

Dash swiveled on one of the barstools. “You’re looking better.”

“I feel better,” I said. “Almost all healed up.”

Kai gave me a shrewd look but didn’t say anything.

A blond streak flew into the room. “Am I late?”

“You’re fine, kid.” River grinned at Nick, who was bent over and panting. “You need to work on your cardio.”

“No shit.” He stood up straight, still breathing hard. “Does riding dick count as leg day, or cardio day?”

“Leg,” Dash said.

“Cardio,” Blaze answered.

“Both if you’re doing it right.” Kai smirked.

“Good to know.” Nick shoved my shoulder. I took the hint and sat on the stool behind me. He plopped himself onto my lap theatrically. “Riding dick is way more fun than running. Too bad they don’t have a gym for that.”

“Oh, they do.” Dash winked. “You just need to know where to find them.”