Page 58 of Stepbrother Dearest

I chuffed. “Yeah. It was good.”

She pursed her lips.

“Let’s just say I enjoyed fucking the brattiness out of him.”

She grinned. “Now what?”

“Nothing. We agreed it was a one and done. We obviously needed to get whatever tension was between us out, and now we go back to pretending the other doesn’t exist.”

“Really?” Sloane arched her eyebrow.

I nodded. We’d made those termsbeforewe both came, which seems like the best and equally the worst time to do that kind of decision-making.

“Are you sure you’re okay? You’re still off.”

“I’m fine.”

Was I?

I’d had a fair amount of sex in my life. Probably not as much as Graham, but enough to figure out what I liked and explore my kinks.

No one had ever responded to me the way he did. I’d always been a bossy fucker, and I did enjoy putting brats in their place. But tonight was completely different from my usual hookups.

For one, I’d never put hands on someone the way I did with Graham. He’d pissed me off and he’d touched me first, but I’d known he was trying to rile me up. I’d seen right through his words. He’d tried to hurt me because something in his life was hurting him. It didn’t make it okay, but it did make it easier to put up with.

I’d had every intention of walking away from him, but something in his tone stopped me. Not his words. I heard worse from patients on the daily and had learned to shrug that shit off.

No, it’d been his voice. The anger was there, but underneath it was something desperate and seeking. Something that had screamed at me to stop and put him in his place.

Slamming him against the wall had been a calculated risk. Even with his injuries, Graham could probably wipe the floor with me. I might be a little taller and broader, but he was ripped and built like a brick shithouse.

I’d expected him to shove me away. Instead, he’d let me manhandle him. He’d taken it, wanted it, and seeing him submit and give in had been insanely arousing.

I really had meant to tell him off and leave, but when I felt his cock, so hard against mine, and saw that look in his eyes, I knew the only way to get Graham out of my system was for us to fuck and get it over with.

And he let me. It was obvious he didn’t have much experience with bottoming by the way he’d reacted to my touch. I knew my size could be not only intimidating, but also painful for my partners, and was sure Graham would call the whole thing off.

But he didn’t. He took all of me, he loved it.

My big bad brat of a stepbrother had come apart on my cock, and it had been perfect.


I blinked. “What?”

Sloane gave me a concerned look. “You zoned out there for a second. You good?”

“Yeah. It’s just kind of surreal. I’ll be fine.”

She glanced at the door. “We should go back out there.”

I nodded. “What are you going to tell Lor?”

Her eyes clouded with hurt. “Nothing.”

“I didn’t mean it like that. I know you don’t spill my secrets. I just meant when she asks because she knows we’re in here gossiping.”

“I’ll just tell her I was getting the deets on your last hookup.” Sloane grinned. “You know her. She only likes to hear about work shit. Who’s fucking who, what’s going on with the chick in admitting who’s always on the verge of divorce. That sort of thing.”