Page 27 of Stepbrother Dearest

Nick: Don’t die!

Gray: I’ll try not to

My mind reeled as I opened my group chat with the twins.

River: c & r had your car towed

Zane: Riv and I will get it and bring it to your place

Zane: dibs if you croaked and I’m texting a dead dude’s phone

Rage and pure, unadulterated anger hit me like an anvil. The fuckers weren’t just stealing from us, but they had my car towed while I’d been in the ER?

Gray: not dead

Gray: thanks let me know how much the lot fees are

“Can you eat on the couch without making a mess?” Caleb’s voice startled me and I bobbled my phone.

“What?” I turned to him as the edges of my vision went red.

“Do you want to eat there or at the counter?”

“Fuck you,” I snapped. “Fuck your food and your fancy house and your damn college degree. I’m leaving.”

He crossed his arms. “Really?”

“Yes. I don’t need your charity or your help. I don’t need anyone.”

He didn’t say anything. His silence fed my anger.

“I hate you. I hate everything about you and I never want to see you again.” I shimmied to the edge of the couch, ignoring my wounds. “Go back to saving lives and being the perfect son and leave me the fuck alone.”

I stood, but either I’d moved too quickly or the pain meds were fucking with me. The world swam in front of my eyes and tilted to the left, then the right.

I reached out blindly as everything went snowy, then black. My knee buckled, and my heart rate sped up so fast I could barely breathe.

Strong hands gripped my shoulders and pushed me back down on the couch.

My chest tightened. I opened my eyes. The room spun. Or was I spinning and everything else was stationary?

“Graham? Look at me.”

Caleb’s stern voice cut through the static in my head. I met his concerned gaze.

“Deep breath, okay. You’re fine. Just breathe in and focus on me.”

I did as he said. My head began to clear as my chest loosened.

“Good. Do it again. There you go. Now, one more time.”

My pulse slowed, and the last of the haze cleared as I followed his orders.

“Are you okay?”

“I think so.”

“You were raging pretty hard there.” He sat back on his heels, his expression thoughtful.