Page 26 of Stepbrother Dearest

“What?” Caleb called from the kitchen.

“Nothing,” I called back, forgetting to be angry at him as my rage flipped onto my bosses.

Nick: crazy right????

Nick: jj heard him tell ray that he was going to start taking 20% on busy nights now because we hadn’t noticed he’d been taking 15 for the past few months

The fuck? We didn’t get any sort of salary or benefits from the club. Our tips were our only source of payment, and our contracts stated that dancers didn’t pay out the house, the bar staff, or anyone else.

Gray: how did people react?

Nick: it was a shitshow. jj told biggs and he confronted c and recorded the convo on his phone and c laughed in his face and said he could do whatever he wants because he’s the boss!! He fired biggs but biggs played the recording for us and Kai confronted c because hes the adult around there and anyone else would have probably knocked his lights out

Gray: holy shit. I talked to Kai and he didn’t mention any of this

Nick: oh crap

Nick: he told us not to tell you because of ur head and getting mad might make you stroke out or something

Nick: sorry!

Nick: are you going to die? Did I kill you?

Gray: it would be awesome if everyone could stop talking about me dying. I’m fine

Nick: are you mad?

Gray: I’m fucking livid

Nick: I’m sorry

Gray: not at you at them

Gray: I would have for sure ended up in jail if I’d been there

Nick: can you imagine if the twins were?

Nick: I love them like bros but they’re scary when they’re pissed

He wasn’t wrong. River and Zane looked like typical all-American jocks, but they were more volatile than I was. The frightening thing about them was that they didn’t get angry. Zane’s poker face and River’s sweet smiles only made them seem more unhinged when they were mad. They exuded rage and anI’ll fuck you upenergy without needing to raise their voices or show their anger. Lucky bastards. The fact they’d done both last night proved how close to the edge of losing it they’d been.

Gray: this is so messed up

Nick: I know

Gray: are we fired or are we still working for assholes who’ve been stealing from us? What about our money? Is it just gone?

Nick: idk but biggs said he’d deal with it

Biting my lip, I drew in a deep breath. Biggs was more than just our head bouncer. He was the club dad. If anyone could deal with this in a way that was legal and wouldn’t devolve into violence, it was him.

Gray: this is so fucked up

Nick: don’t tell kai I told you about any of this

Gray: I wont

Nick: gotta go breaks over