Page 18 of Stepbrother Dearest

“You live here?”

“Do I really need to answer that?” He dragged me over to the sink. “Wash your hands.”

Rather than be contrary, I did as he said.

When my hands were clean, he half carried me over to the counter that separated the kitchen from the dining area and pulled out a tall barstool type chair. “Park it.”

I sat.

“Now, is there anything you’d like to say about my house?” He went to the sink and turned on the water to wash his hands. “Get it out now because I know you’re thinking something.”

I kept quiet.

“Really? You don’t have an opinion on anything?” He quickly dried his hands. “Shocker.”

He took a big bowl out of the fridge and placed it on the counter. “Come on, I know there’s something.”

“Nursing must pay a lot better than I thought.” I ran my hand over the smooth counter.

The stark difference in how we lived was just one more nail in the coffin. Of course Caleb would have a fancy house to go along with his fancy job.

Perfect Caleb being the perfect adult.

“It really doesn’t.” He opened a bottle of water and set it in front of me. “In fact, now that Sloane moved out, I’m either going to have to find another roommate, or a new place, when our lease is up.”

“Sloane? Your ex?”

“My best friend. She and her girlfriend moved in together a few months ago. She’s still paying her part of the rent, but I’m shit out of luck when it’s renewal time.”

“Your friend lives with her girlfriend, but still pays your rent? How do I sign up for a deal like that?”

“She pays her portion of our rent. I still cover mine.” He put the bowl in the microwave. “Do you like teriyaki?”


“Teriyaki sauce. Do you like it?”


“Because that’s what I’m heating up. I’m too tired to cook, so it’s either that, or you make do with bread.”

“You’re feeding me?”

He leaned his ass against the stove and crossed his arms. “I’m assuming you’re hungry if you haven’t eaten since last night.”

“I am, but…”

“But what?”

“I just—never mind.”

“You didn’t answer. Do you like teriyaki?”


“What about steak, mixed veg, and rice?”
