Page 13 of Stepbrother Dearest

“And your arm?” Gently, I pulled the johnny back and gently held his hurt arm in my palm.

“Landed on my hand weird and got kicked in the arm.”

I led him through the tests to see how much movement he had and what kind of pain he was in. It didn’t seem broken, but there could be a hairline fracture under the swelling.

“What about your head?” I tucked the johnny back around him.

A cut ran half the length of his eyebrow on the left side of his forehead. It had missed his temple, and the edges were clean. It had obviously bled a lot based on the stains on his skin and shirt.

“Some asshole threw a bottle at me.”

I did a quick check for a concussion. He hadn’t lost consciousness, but the pain, disorientation, and exhaustion he described were concerning.

“What about your ribs?”

“They’re alright.”

“Can I see your torso?”

He nodded. I pulled the johnny open.

A large bruise was forming on his side between his hip and ribs. Dr. Carlisle would have to do an exam to check for internal bleeding.

“Let’s get you cleaned up.”

He gave me a withering look.

“It’s either you let me help you, or you spend your time here looking like a human trophy.”

The corner of his mouth quirked up in the tiniest smirk. “Human trophy?”

“Yeah, like that gold guy doing the victory pose on trophies. I’m sure you’ve got a ton of them from your swim days.” Bitterness tinged my voice. I was usually better at keeping myself neutral with patients, but I hadn’t seen Graham in years, and I’d definitely never seen him likethis. It was unsettling.

His eyes clouded. “Fine. Do whatever you have to.”

It took nearly the entire pack of wipes to get the oil off him, and I made sure to keep my mind on the task at hand and not get distracted by his incredible body.

“Do you want a warm blanket?” I tossed the last glitter-covered baby wipe in the garbage can.. “Some water or food? It might be a while before the doctor comes in.”

“A blanket, maybe. And some water.” He looked at the floor.

“I’ll be right back.”

He was in the same position when I returned.

“Do you want to lie down? Or you can stay sitting and I can adjust the bed for you?” I handed him the water.

“I’m fine.”

Biting back a sigh, I wrapped the blanket around his lower body.

“I’ll get your file to the doctor. Hopefully they’ll be in to see you soon.”

He nodded and sipped his water. For such a big guy, he looked alarmingly small and vulnerable sitting on the hospital bed.

Not sure what to say, or if I should say anything at all, I left the curtained area and went back to the desk.

* * *