Page 125 of Stepbrother Dearest

“Alright. You’re free to go. I’ll see everyone on Friday.”

“Oh, I gotta talk to you about that.” Nick jumped off my lap. “I need to take the weekend off.”

Nick was taking a whole weekend off? What was going on with him? He’d taken more days off in the last five weeks than in the entire year prior.

“Hungry?” River stepped into my field of view.


“We’re going to the Finer Diner for burgers.” He pointed to Zane and Kai. “Want to come?”

“Yeah.” I stood. “Sounds good.”

“And you know what’s on the menu?” He grinned. “Me-N-U.”

“Keep flirting with me and you’re gonna have a bi awakening.” I punched his shoulder.

He snickered. “I mean, if I was gonna go bi, it would have already happened. Especially after you had that wardrobe malfunction in the back room last week and your dick fell out of your tiny shorts and smacked me in the face.”

I grinned. “That wasn’t a malfunction, it was a little something-something just for you.”

The dick slip had been an accident, but it wasn’t like he’d never seen my junk before. Nudity was inevitable when your business was tearing off your clothes to music.

“So that’s why you helicoptered it and kept smacking me with it.” He grinned. “Here I thought you were testing out a new dance move.”

“Nope, seeing if you wanted a taste.” I winked.

“Ugh. Could you guys at least pretend like we just finished a training session on not harassing coworkers?” Biggs asked loudly.

“It’s all good, boss.” River clapped me on the shoulder. “Gray can harass me any time.”

“Same.” I lightly slapped River’s ass. “Good boy.”

“Thank you, Daddy.” He batted his eyelashes at me.

“I’m done.” Biggs threw up his hands and walked away.

“Food?” Zane asked as he and Kai came to stand with us.

“Nick, you wanna go for burgers?” River asked as Nick scurried over to where Kai had put his coffee earlier.

“Can’t.” He grabbed the cup. “Gotta go.”

“He’s going to crash hard in an hour.” Kai shook his head as Nick raced toward the doors. “We good to go?”

We walked out of the club and to our cars. It had been ages since I’d gone to the diner, and a big greasy burger and a mountain of fries sounded like heaven after today. The twins had hooked me up with another gig, this one for two weeks. Things were finally looking up.



Caleb:plans tonight?

I reread the text for what felt like the millionth time. I’d sent the stupid thing an hour ago and had spent the time bouncing between wishing I could delete it and checking to see if Graham had answered.

We’d texted sporadically over the past week, mostly just checking in and some polite small talk, but with our schedules being so off, we hadn’t had a chance to meet up.

The little dots appeared just as my screen went dark. I woke the phone up as his answer came through.