Page 121 of Stepbrother Dearest

“Hey.”I sat on the stool next to River at the bar.

“Sup.” He upnodded me.

“Yo.” Zane spun a closed butterfly knife around his fingers.

“Better put that away before Biggs gets here. He’s chill as fuck, but those are illegal,” Kai said from where he was sitting on a tabletop a few feet away.

“Yeah, probably should.” He snapped his wrist and rolled his hand in a complicated pattern. The handles and blade of the knife were a blur of glinting metal as he opened, then closed it with all the flair of a serial killer.

“You’re one scary motherfucker.” Nick plopped down on my knee and draped his arm over my shoulders.

Zane winked and slid the knife into his pocket.

“Anyone know why we’re here?” River asked.

“Training.” Dash didn’t look up from his phone.

“Training for what?” Nick asked.

“You got the same text we did, angel face.” Zane leaned back against the bar, his elbows on the bar top and that blank expression on his face.

All the current dancers at the club were waiting for the meeting Biggs had called to start. We’d been open for almost a month now, but surprisingly, no one had quit. Maybe this crew would last for a while.

Nick took a huge gulp of his drink, then wiggled it at me. “Want some?”

I took a sip. The overwhelming taste of coffee and sugar made me cough. “Jesus fuck, what is this?”

“An iced defibrillator. We had to take it off the menu at work but they’re yummy.”

“What’s in it?” I asked.

“Four shots of espresso, three pumps of hazelnut, two vanilla, one chocolate, and a drizzle of maple syrup.”

“Sounds good.” River held out his hand. “Lemme try it.”

“You’re the type who touches whatever is under the ‘wet paint’ sign to see if the paint is actually wet, aren’t you?” Knox asked.

“You don’t?” River took a sip of the drink. “Oh, that is good. Why’d you have to take it off the menu?”

“Because it has enough caffeine and sugar in it to take down an elephant,” Kai drawled.

“Really?” River took another sip. “Wouldn’t caffeine and sugar make an elephant super-fast? Like elephant zoomies.”

Nick snickered. “Can you imagine a herd of elephants with the zoomies?”

“Ever heard of the butterfly effect?” Dash looked up from his phone. “We’d have earthquakes all over the world from all that bouncing on the tectonic plates if that was a thing.”

Knox ruffled Dash’s hair. “Not sure seismology and chaos theory go together like that.”

“Seismology?” River asked. “There’s a whole science dedicated to measuring things?” He went to take another sip from Nick’s drink.

“You know what that shit does to you.” Zane swiped the cup out of his brother’s hand.

“Seismology is the study of earthquakes,” Knox said.

“Oh.” River nodded thoughtfully. “They should have named it earthquakeology.”

“Earthquakeology? You’re lucky you’re hot.” Nick jumped off my lap and grabbed his drink from Zane.