Page 2 of Curves and Cradles

The perky blonde next to him holds up her hand and gives a little jump. “We’re engaged!”

Blake grabs his fiancée’s hand and holds it close to his side. “You look great, Jane.” Then his gaze flickers to me. “So, what’s going on with you two?”

Ah, so this must be an ex of hers, and she’s using me to make him jealous. Not my preferred scenario, but if it keeps Jane in my arms, I’ll take it.

“Kevin,” I say to introduce myself, then reach around Jane to grab the tool’s hand. “Janie and I are together.” I lower my feet from the barstool rungs to the floor and press against her backside.

“Janie?” Blake asks. “I thought you hated being called anything but Jane.” He frowns as he pushes up his dark-rimmed glasses again.

“I don’t mind so much when Kevin says it.”

I lean forward and lower my chin to her shoulder. “Super awesome to meet you.”

Jane’s stomach clenches beneath my arm as she suppresses a laugh.

Blake frowns and looks back at Jane. “Sure. Well, it was great seeing you,Jane.” He emphasizes her name. “Maybe we can catch up sometime.”

His fiancée looks annoyed by that thought, but he puts his hand on her lower back and leads her away. The three couples settle into a booth in the back corner.

Jane spins and braces her hands on my thighs to keep herself from falling over. “Thank you.”

“Well, it was the least I could do after that kiss.” I smile at her. “I take it you and Blake, the hipster, have history?”

“Yes. We dated through high school and on and off through the first part of college.” Her eyes search my face. They’re blue, but sorta gray, too—an unusual shade. And there’s that adorable grin again. “God, you’re super hot.” Her mouth drops open, and her eyes widen. “I can’t believe I just said that. Also can’t believe I jumped on you like that. I’m sorry.”

“You think I’m super hot?”

She rolls her eyes. “Don’t pretend to be modest. No one looks like you and doesn’t realize he looks like a sex god.”

My brows rise. “A sex god, huh?”

She leans forward, bracing her forehead on my chest.

“You smell good,” I murmur.

“Thanks.” She smiles. “My friend was supposed to meet me here, but a work thing came up, and she couldn’t make it.”

I’m pleased she was meeting a girlfriend rather than another guy.

“I’m hoping you can do me one more favor...can we walk out of here like we’re going home together? Then I promise I’ll totally leave you alone.”

I shake my head. “That is unacceptable.”


“I’ll walk out with you, but now that I know you think I’m a sex god, I’m not quite ready to let you go. Know anywhere around here we can get a good burger?”

Her face splits into a toothy grin. “I sure do.”

I drape an arm over her shoulder. “Then lead the way, babe, because I’m starving.”



I can’t believe I kissed him.

I never do things that bold. Especially not with men like him. Granted, I stared at him when I walked into Remy’s. Initially, I wondered if he was a movie star. It’s not unheard of for them to shoot movies in this part of Texas, and I’ve never seen him before.