“Oh, fuck. Is she married?”
“Uh, no. But she has a kid.”
“And? You hate kids?”
“I don’t know how to be around kids. But that’s not the point.”
“Then what’s the problem?”
I scratch a hand over my head, noting that my hair is longer than the usual tight cut. “I’m pretty sure the kid is mine.”
There’s no “pretty sure” about it. I know, without a doubt. Jane’s expression confirmed it. And the little girl’s eyes... there’s no way she’s not mine.
Cade leans forward and pours another two fingers into my glass. He’s quiet for several moments, waiting for me to say something more. Cade is six years older than me and was my commanding officer until the IED incident that sent the older man home for good. Now, I’m the commanding officer, back for rehabilitation for my injury. But I have every intention of returning as soon as I have the doctor’s green light.
“Marry her,” Cade finally says.
“What? I can’t do that.”
“Why not?”
“Because she didn’t tell me.”
Cade’s brows rose. “Do you know whether she tried to tell you?”
“That is not the point.” I take another sip, slower this time to give, more to give myself something to do with my hands than a need for the alcohol. I’ve never been one to dull the edges of life with substances.
“That’s exactly the point,” Cade argues.
“What if it’s not my kid?”
“You just said it was.”
“I don’t know anything for sure.” I do know, though. I feel it in my gut. I tilt my head back and look at the paneled ceiling.
“What the hell, son? Didn’t you ask her?”
“I was a little busy freaking the fuck out.”
“You’re an idiot, you know that?”
“Fuck you,” I spit.
“Go back. Right now. And ask her to marry you.”
“I’m not going to do that. We hardly know each other.”
“You know enough. You’re crazy about her. You haven’t stopped pining for her for the past two years.”
“I haven’t been pining. I do not pine.”
“Yes, you have.”
“What if it’s not my kid?”
Cade crosses his tree trunk–sized arms over his barrel chest. “Unless she’s happily married to someone else, does it matter?”
Dammit. The man has a point. But marriage? I’ve never even considered it. I’ve thought about Jane since the night we met. I haven’t touched another woman since. But a kid?