“Is this the reason you got the job? He wanted you to keep your mouth shut? You’re lucky he didn’t kill you.”
Theo paled. “You think he might kill me?”
“No. And Theo. I promise that whatever you say to me in this room remains confidential.”
“You promise?”
“He won’t know anything about my visit here. And remember, this is to help Sydney.”
“I caught Pallon trying to access her research, the records she kept locked up.”
“Did you tell Sydney?”
“I was going to, but Dr. Pallon made me a deal. He said he’d set me up with this job if I kept my mouth shut. At the time, I didn’t think I had much to keep quiet anyway, so I took the deal.”
“He said he caught you snooping.”
Theo snorted. “He would. I guess that was part of the deal too. I take the rap.”
“So you believe Dr. Pallon is responsible?”
“If anyone stinks in that lab, it’s him, not Davis.”
“What do you think he’s after?”
“I don’t know. I don’t know what Davis was working on, remember?”
“Okay then, do you have any ideas about who he works for?”
“If I were going to guess, I’d say the government.”
“Why do you think that?”
“I saw him one time after work talking to someone in a dark vehicle with tinted windows. They handed him a package. I don’t know what. It looked suspicious, so I kept an eye on him after that. That’s why I caught him trying to access Davis’s research. Because I was watching. I don’t know who he was working for, but whoever it was, they wanted her research and he couldn’t get to it.”
“Or maybe he was trying to protect the research?”
“And that’s why he sent me here? I don’t think so. You’re the FBI agent. Does that make sense to you?”
“My job is to stay objective and get all the facts.”
“Well, Professor Davis’s goal has always been to help people. Dr. Pallon wasn’t like that. He always tried to push her for more. She told me once about the exclusivity contract she signed with the company that is funding her research. They wanted more, but she said no. Do you know they offered to double her funding and she refused?”
“Why would she refuse funding?”
“Because they wanted full access to her research, and she didn’t want them to have it.”
“Because Biotech is greedy and only looking out for their shareholders.”
“You think that’s why she refused, not because she had a better offer somewhere else?”
“Where else? No one else gave her funding. She didn’t want Biotech to strip her of everything.”