Page 67 of Shadow Break

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Aaron pushed his way through the horde to exit the airport and jump into a taxi in record time. He could have called Theo instead of flying to New York, but he needed to look him in the eye. After what had transpired with Sydney, he needed to take Theo’s measure, and he couldn’t do that from a phone call.

He went over the file again as they inched along in the traffic. If there was anything to gain from Theo, he’d make sure not to leave until he had it.

When the cab stopped in front of an architecturally stunning building, Aaron paused, taking a breath of admiring relief. He had almost been convinced by Pallon not to bother with Theo. He might have taken Pallon’s advice if he had better leads, but an average graduate didn’t get a job in a building like that without connections. Theo Robinson, a student who didn’t show much promise, had landed on his feet. To go from a lab assistant who was asked to leave to moving into a lab like this was quite a jump in status, and he wouldn’t leave until he found out how he’d pulled it off.

Inside, the atrium was all sharp edges and light. The large, gleaming space gave the illusion that perhaps he was just a bacteria being observed under a microscope.

He offered a warm smile to the receptionist on the other side of the lobby as he approached.

“I’m here to speak to Theo Robinson. He’s expecting me.”

The perfectly groomed receptionist smiled her own toothy grin. “Please have a seat. I’ll let him know you’re here.”

It wasn’t long before a young man with curly hair and a face stuck in a wince came toward him. “Special Agent Aaron Pritchard?”

Aaron stood. “Yes, Theo. Thanks for seeing me on short notice.”

“Didn’t know I had a choice.”

“You didn’t. Is there somewhere we can talk?”

“Sure. This way.” Theo brought him into a small conference room and motioned for Aaron to sit, then moved around to the other side of the table and pulled out a chair.

“I’m not sure why you’re here exactly,” Theo said as he fumbled with a pitcher of water. “Would you like a drink?”

“No, I’m fine, thanks.”

“You said it had something to do with my previous employment, but that was at a gas station. I don’t remember much about that. I certainly didn’t see or do anything to get the FBI’s attention.” Nervous laugh.

“Sorry if you misunderstood. I guess I should have been clearer. What I meant to say was placement, not employment. You’ve done well for yourself right out of school.”

“Uh … yeah. I got lucky.”

“Very lucky. You sure you’re not one of those child geniuses? I bet they snapped you up.”

Theo laughed. “No, I wish. I guess I was in the right place at the right time.”

“Right place as in working with Professor Sydney Davis?”

Theo’s face reddened. “Yeah. She’s pretty brilliant.”

“You worked in her lab for a short time from what I understand.”

“I did. Have you been in contact with Professor Davis?”

“I’m on a tight schedule, so I’ll ask the questions, if you don’t mind.”

“Right. Sorry.”

“Can you tell me why you left?”

His lips bunched together, then he took a sip of water, swallowing noisily. “I got a job here, so … ”

“They just offered you one out of the blue? Or did you apply for the position?”

“No, they, uh, they offered me the job.”