Page 48 of Shadow Break

“I know who it is. Sorry I haven’t been in touch.”

“That’s fine. I came into the hospital this morning to monitor our suspect.”

“Good work. I hear he’s awake.”

“He was.”

“That’s okay. We can wake him up.”

“No, we can’t.”

“Why not?”

“He’s dead.”

Aaron stopped walking. “What? When?”

“The doctor called time of death about ten minutes ago. That’s why I rang.”

“This just happened?”


“I’m on my way up. Wait for me there.”

When Aaron reached the room, the doctor was in the hall talking to Knightly.

“Sir?” Aaron said when he approached. “What are you doing here?”

“Same thing as you. I didn’t get here in time either. Pritchard, this is Dr. Angle. He’s the one who pronounced Mr. Popov dead.”

“Can I ask what the cause of death was?” Aaron addressed the doctor.

“It appears to be a suicide.”

“Suicide? I thought you were going to say he had a heart attack or something.”

“No. We believe he put soap from the bathroom in his IV. We’re checking the IV, but that’s what the evidence suggests.”

“Could someone else have put the soap in there?”

“We’ve had agents on the room the whole time,” Knightly said. “Not to mention that no one has been in there for the past several hours besides the doctor. Before that, no one unauthorized has been in the room.”

“But why would he kill himself?”

“Whoever Popov worked for had obviously made sure if anyone was captured, they’d sacrifice themselves.”

“When we were on the scene of the incident, I threatened to take my hand from his wound so he would bleed out and he wasn’t happy about that.”

“I’ll pretend I didn’t hear that.”

“I wasn’t going to let him die, sir. I just wanted to motivate him. He appeared motivated to live.” Aaron looked at the doctor, then back at Knightly. “Sir, can I speak to you for a minute privately?”

“Excuse me, Doctor.” Knightly moved aside with Aaron. “Here I was giving you a light job and come to find out this Professor Davis is a big deal. Worked out well for me, having you on the job already.”

“I tried to contact you earlier today.”

“I saw your messages. Sorry I haven’t had the chance to get back to you yet.”