“You’ve heard of autoimmune disorders?”
“Sure. But don’t ask me to name any.”
“Do you have any allergies? Asthma?”
“My throat gets itchy if I eat shellfish.”
“That’s an effect of an overactive immune system. Rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, and lupus, those are all problems that occur from an overactive immunity. Your system isn’t able to tell the difference between your healthy, normal cells and the bad stuff.”
“And what is this drug meant to do for cancer patients?”
“I want to strengthen the immune system so they can live a normal life while going through treatment. Best-case scenario, their own bodies will fight back against the cancer.”
“Okay, that sounds great. But I still don’t understand what that has to do with Jason Bourne. How would the paper make that connection with immunity?”
“In the initial tests, the drug increased immunity but also brain function and muscle mass. Not like in the movies. Not to that extent.”
“Not to super soldier level.”
“Still. This is the type of drug you could sell to all sorts of markets.”
Sydney straightened. “It’s cancer research. I want to save lives, not make people lazy.”
“Hey, it’s your research. But still not dangerous. So the extra security that the doctor requested?”
“My overly concerned colleague was worried that the article would send the wrong message. Draw the wrong attention. Look, Aaron, I’m sorry that you’ve gotten stuck on this case. And I’m sorry for wasting your time. If you can convince Dr. Pallon that your help is unnecessary, then you’re welcome to it. In fact, I would thank you. But right now, it’s out of my hands.”
Aaron nodded. “Listen. I really am sorry for how I acted. You didn’t deserve that, and it sounds like the research you’re doing is very valuable.”
“But not dangerous.”
“Exactly. But hey, there is one nice thing to come out of all of this.”
“Is there?”
“It’s nice to see you again.”
She couldn’t stop the blush, and it got worse when he smiled.
“I should get back to work.” She returned to her seat as an excuse to look away. “If you guys have other things you can do while you’re supposed to be watching me, feel free.”
“I’ve got nothing to do but this. But I’ll leave you alone while you work, then we’ll escort you home.”
Sydney paused, her jaw working. “That’s really not necessary.” She kept her eyes on the screen.
“I insist.”
“I don’t like keeping you here unnecessarily.”
“I get paid either way, and I don’t think my boss would be impressed if I ditched you. I’ve already put my foot in it one too many times. If I don’t get a good report on this, I’m doomed.”
Sydney swiveled around. “I’ll tell him you’ve done a great job. That it has nothing to do with you, but we just don’t need your services.”
“It’s okay.” He smiled at her. “I appreciate it, but I was being sarcastic. I’ll leave you to it.” He shut the door.
Sydney let out a long breath of relief. If Aaron had been anyone else, she’d shrug it off, but this was the boy she had a girl crush on. He had looked out for her. Now she was nothing more to him than a nuisance, and that would eat away at her until this was over.