Page 30 of Shadow Break

Aaron stepped away and rested his hands on his hips. After the guy was in better shape, they could work harder on him to get some answers, but he didn’t like leaving the scene without an idea of who was behind this. He remained confident that the newspaper article wouldn’t have been enough to bring these guys in. Something else was going on. Who attempts to abduct a cancer research scientist?

As he walked toward the car, he purposely slowed his steps. He was anxious to check on Sydney and he didn’t like that. When he reached the car, he found her laughing at something Lewis had said.

“I didn’t know Lewis was funny.”

Lewis cleared his throat. “Sorry, sir. Just trying to get her mind off things.”

“Can I see you for a second?” Aaron said to Lewis, then walked to the front of the car and leaned on the hood. “What did you tell her?” he asked when Lewis joined him.

“She was pretty shaky. Looked like she was going into shock, so I told her a story about when I was a kid to try to settle her down. Get her mind off it.”

“Was it a true story?”


He slapped Lewis on the arm. “Good work. Now wait here while I speak to her.”

“Yes, sir.”

Aaron got in next to Sydney. “How’re you doing?”

“Better. You didn’t give Lewis a hard time for making me laugh, I hope. He was doing what you told him to do. I needed it.”

“Do you really think I’m that heartless?”

“Hard to tell.”

“I guess I deserve that.”

“I don’t mean it. I mean, not completely.”

“Forget about it. It’s nice to see you smile after what you’ve just been through.”

“Yeah.” She picked at her fingernail. “I can’t believe that just happened.”

“I don’t think that’s something most civilians ever prepare for.”

“But I don’t understand. I had no idea I was in danger. None of us did.”

“No one except Pallon.” He scratched his chin. “Well, I should have been expecting it. That was why I was here. That never should have happened.”

“You can’t blame yourself.”

“I am actually the one to blame. The whole reason I was sent to you was to protect you. That was my one job. To make sure you stayed safe. And I could have. They never would have been able to take you if I’d done my job properly.”

“So you screwed up.”

“Yes.” He shook his head. “This isn’t like me, I swear. I’ve been in a terrible head space lately, but I didn’t want to admit it.” He shouldn’t be telling her this. “I’ll get myself taken off your case.”

“No. You can’t now.”

“But I’m no good to you. Especially now.”

“You’re exactly who I need. Please. I don’t trust anyone at the best of times, but now … You’re the only one who I won’t feel like I have to keep an eye on. Besides. I’m only alive right now because of what you did. And now that we know for sure someone is out to get me, I need you.” She let out a slow, wavering breath. “If Chris hadn’t — ” She shook her head.

It didn’t matter what she said or how thankful she was. He’d screwed up. But the more he considered stepping away from this assignment, the more agitated he became. She might not trust anyone but him, but because it was Sydney, he didn’t feel like he could trust anyone else to do the job to his standard. Now that he knew the threat was real, he wouldn’t make the same mistake again.

“Okay. I’ll stick with you, but I’d like to take you through what happened if you think you’re up to it.”