Page 25 of Shadow Break

“We did.”

“I’m worried that there are those who would get the wrong idea. It may have been exaggerated, but I don’t imagine I have to tell you that there are people in the world who would like to exploit what she’s found.”

Aaron didn’t think so, but he wasn’t about to argue with the doctor. “We won’t let anything happen to Sydney, but do you really believe her work would be lost if something did happen to her?”

“Besides the fact that Syd has a special talent for this work, we haven’t been given enough funding for more help. I’m it. And she won’t let me work beside her on this. She keeps everything very secure. It would be a long, drawn-out process to get access to her research. And even then, I don’t know if it would be possible.”

“So she’s pretty smart? I mean, of course she would be, working in this field.”

“Smart’s not the word for it. She’s well advanced for her age. You don’t see anyone as young as her working on this kind of research.”

“Right. But you’re her supervisor. I would have thought you’d be up to speed with what she’s working on.”

“I am. But like I said, she is meticulous about keeping her work safely behind a security wall. And without that research, I’ve got nothing.”

“She doesn’t trust you with it?”

“She’s the sort of person who finds it hard to trust anyone. With me, it’s not about trust, though. I mean, not in the traditional sense. She confides in me more than anyone. I know more about her work than anyone. But her actual research she keeps close. She isn’t willing to disclose the fullness of her work outside of herself. Not yet, anyway.”

“Well, like I said. We’ll keep her safe.”

Chris nodded. “Thank you. Both of you. If you need me, I’m just down the hall.”

“Thanks. We’re good for now.”

Chris paused at the door. “You won’t let her out of your sight, right?”

“That’s what we’re here for.”

“Great. That gives me a real peace of mind. I guess I’ll be seeing you around.”

Aaron watched him go. His mouth puckered.

“He seemed like a nice guy,” Lewis said.


“Then why do you have a look on your face like you smell a dead body?” Lewis asked.

Aaron shook his head. “Because I’ve seen too much in this world. I don’t care how pure your motives are, everyone has an angle.”

“What’s the doctor’s?”

“Don’t know, but I’ve been in the job long enough to know that the doctor is definitely keeping something from us. But then, I’m pretty sure Syd is too. I can’t help but feel like a pawn in someone else’s power trip and there isn’t much real good we can do here.” Aaron did a double take at Lewis’s crestfallen look. “Don’t listen to me. I’m more cynical than most these days. It shouldn’t bother me that everyone has concealed motives. Nothing’s changed. It just irritates me more these days.”

A year ago, Aaron would have spent time asking God about it. He needed wisdom to know the best way to handle this assignment, but God had nothing to say to him anymore.

* * *

Sydney was lost in her work when a knock came at the door.

“Come in,” she said without looking up. She’d left the door unlocked for just this occasion.

Aaron poked his head through. “Not locked this time.”

“Nope. I thought I’d let you handle it.”

“Thanks for the vote of confidence. I’m sorry to interrupt, but what time do you usually go home?”