Page 49 of Alpha Daddy

My stomach turns before dropping toward the floor, and my fingertips tingle as anxiety takes over. This wasn’t part of the plan. It was just supposed to be one night, and then I was supposed to leave.

My throat tightens.

“Won’t it look a little suspicious if neither of us show up to work today?” I choke out, grabbing for my orange juice again.

He shakes his head, hardly looking concerned. “Thursdays are slow days. No one is going to suspect anything.”

I shift in my seat, suddenly less hungry than I was moments ago. The thought of people at work finding out about us spending the day together, much less the night, fills me with dread. I can already imagine the dirty looks we would get, the whispers we might hear.

The rumors.

Girls sleeping with their bosses isn’t a super rare concept, but it makes it a little less digestible when their boss is almost twice their age. I’ve seen age gaps before, but never one that’s seventeen years.

It would certainly get attention from the restaurant employees as well as the regulars, and not the decent kind of curiosity. Even though Alessandro is damn near perfect and I wouldn’t hate waking up next to him every day, I don’t know if I could tolerate all the shit talking people are bound to do.

“What kind of hanging out did you have in mind?” I ask, trying not to seem unappreciative, although I’m sure it’s written all over my face.

If he wants to stay home and cuddle all day, I’m fine with that. I’d even be okay with him bending me over the leather couch and knotting me again, but I won’t say it out loud. As long as we’re not in public where people can see us together, I’m fine with whatever he has planned.

“I figured we’d drive up to Tolmeco,” he says as he continues eating, not looking in my direction. “A buddy of mine owns a restaurant up there, and I’ve been meaning to go have lunch. Then, we can drive around, get lost for a while, hit the town. Whatever you want to do.”

Shit. So he does want to be out in plain sight, where anyone can see us together, but at least Tolmeco isn’t close.

“Isn’t that like a two-hour drive?” I ask.

He nods. “Two and a half. Hence why I haven’t had a chance to go up there. It’s hard to get away from the restaurant for an entire day.”

“But you’re making an exception now?”

The corner of his mouth lifts into a smirk, and he looks over, his rich, dark eyes catching mine and making my heart flutter again.

“Something like that,” he repeats with a chuckle. “What do you think?”

I think I’m petrified, but I don’t say it out loud.

I haven’t even considered that accepting the invite will mean I’m arm candy for a rich alpha. He’ll be spending money on me all day, the exact thing I’ve tried to avoid since we met. No, I haven’t even considered that yet. I’m too worried about someone recognizing us in public and wondering what the hell I’m doing with a forty-year-old guy.

They’ll probably think I’m with him, even though we’re nottogether, for exactly that: his money.

Still, I can’t possibly say no.I don’t want to say no.

“Are you… nervous?” I ask, stumbling over my words. “For people to see us together?”

He cocks his head at me. “It’s not a date, Jessa. I just thought you could use a stress-free day and a little fun is all. There’s no reason to be nervous.”

“Oh.” My cheeks burn. I’m embarrassed that my first reaction was that he was asking me on a date. Of course he’s not. He’s just being kind, like always.

Alessandro, the forever gentleman.

“Unless…” he says, his voice trailing off. “Do you want it to be?”

The question sets me on fire internally, and I wish I could fist fight every uncomfortable feeling that bubbles under my skin. The want, the desire, the excitement, the fear; I’d stab them all to death if I could, but instead, I shove my mouth full of eggs to buy myself a few seconds.

“No,” I say quickly, cutting off the invasive thoughts. “I was just curious. I’d love to go. I might need to borrow your iron, though. My good clothes are wrinkled in the trunk.”

“Help yourself to anything you need,” he assures me, turning his attention back to his breakfast. “You’re welcome to anything I own.”

“Anything?” I ask, my eyes dropping to his lap. I wiggle my eyebrows, and he laughs, breaking the awkward tension from all the date talk.